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Water type for my Battle Tower team..

I have..


To be on the same team as Tyranitar and Metagross..

Crypted Wolf

Well-Known Member
Ludicolo, Tentacruel and Vapereon could all be good opitions for your team.


I have no access to Vaporeon. I hate Tentacruel... Ludicolo is cool.. I might stick with Milotic since that has worked out best for me.



Those 4 are just about the best Water types, at least in-game. But meh, it’s not much of a team without natures and movesets and all.


Alea iacta est.
^ I second that about natures and movesets. Because of the lack of these, I am biased towards Starmie.

Special Sweepers will rule the world. And the Battle Frontier. And the metagame.


Aragornbird, you practically know my Tyranitar sets and Gross sets.

I use CBGross(Adamant) w/MM, Earthquake, AA, Shadow Ball

I use DDTar(Brave) w/ RS, EQ, AA, Ice Beam/T-Bolt.


Alea iacta est.
^ In that case....

Starmie @ Scope Lens/Shell Bell
Trait: Natural Cure
Modest Nature (+Sp.Atk, -Atk)
- Surf
- Psychic
- Ice Beam
- Thunderbolt

Have fun.



That Starmie needs Recover or else use Milotic/Suicune. Otherwise, you’re prey for Swamperts.

And let's not forget Ludicolo.


Not so sure about Star....

I need something to take an Earthquake or two, because me other two team members are weak to EQ.


Well-Known Member
Then, use Ludicolo if you want. It isn't that good overrall (just saying), but Earthquake resist can be handy if you have an Earthquake weakness.

Surf/Leech Seed/Ice Beam/Giga Drain, I guess, if you want a versitale Ludicolo.