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Beta Versions R/B


Have a nice day!
This thread is where you can discuss the odd things about the Beta versions. For example, in the Beta versions:

-Prof. Oak was the E-4 Champion
-There was a land route from route 18 to Cinnabar Island, and route 21, Pallet to Cinnabar, did not exist.
-There was going to be a female protagonist.
-Many of the Pokemonhad different names.
-There were 15 Pokemon that could be caught in the beta versions which were removed. (One was left in the games, Mew, but the others were removed and left the gliches Missingno., M., Glitchy Chairzard, .A, .4, Poke, Chisau-u, and Glitcherino in their place, and the final 7 became only accessible by hacking and are known as Rainer, Charcolt, Sauropod, Pikablu, Poliwierd, Kanghasbaby and Mewthree)
-Many of the Pokemon had different names.
-The Unknown Dungeon was Next to Pallet Town, but was moved to it's current location on Route 24 for the final product

What else do you know of the Beta versions? Discuss them here!



This thread is where you can discuss the odd things about the Beta versions. For example, in the Beta versions:

-Prof. Oak was the E-4 Champion
-There was a land route from route 18 to Cinnabar Island, and route 21, Pallet to Cinnabar, did not exist.
-There was going to be a female protagonist.
-Many of the Pokemonhad different names.
-There were 15 Pokemon that could be caught in the beta versions which were removed. (One was left in the games, Mew, but the others were removed and left the gliches Missingno., M., Glitchy Chairzard, .A, .4, Poke, Chisau-u, and Glitcherino in their place, and the final 7 became only accessible by hacking and are known as Rainer, Charcolt, Sauropod, Pikablu, Poliwierd, Kanghasbaby and Mewthree)
-Many of the Pokemon had different names.
-The Unknown Dungeon was Next to Pallet Town, but was moved to it's current location on Route 24 for the final product

What else do you know of the Beta versions? Discuss them here!

This all sounds interesting, but... proof for some of these?

I'm not necessarily doubting this is real, but if you look at the G/S/C beta thread, you'll notice stuff from text dumps, hacks, GameShark codes, and the like. We know about Oak already (through the popular thread), but how do we know he was the Champion? We don't. That's just speculation. Likewise, giving names to many of the glitch Pokemon isn't a good idea (especially when many people who haven't heard of them but know the Pokegods are fake will immediately clamor "FAKEZZORS!! B4n!!1".

So... links to other threads or webpages, at least? It would really help.


Have a nice day!
We can only guess Oak was the E-4 champion, you've got me there, but his team was

Lv61 Tauros
Lv57 Alakazam
Lv59 Exeggutor
Lv60 Arcanine
Lv60 Exeggutor
Lv60 Gyarados
Lv58 Magneton

It is very similar to Gary's E-4 Pokemon. We know about the Cinnabar land route for sure, due to the fact it left evidence behind, the Old man+Cinnabar coast+missingno. trick, which was made possible due to this removed route. The female protagonist gave the idea for Blue of the manga, and Nintendo once revealed there was a female protaganist who was removed due to lack of memory space. If you look at many pre-release shots, you will see many of the Pokemon had different names (Like Beedrill was called "Stinger"). Rainer, Charcolt, etc are not their real names, which are unknown, they are the names given to them by hackers, however the existent of these glithches shows evidence of the Pokemon that were removed. Someone accidentally found a map of pallet Town with a cave next to it by hacking. The thing that suggests it is the Unown dungeon is that the data from the Unown Dungeon has been cut and modified from an original location, the only other cave that has also been modified like that is Diglett's cave, so being fair it could have been diglett's cave by Pallet, but it is unlikely. And peopl shout FAKEORS!! no matter what. I mean some people think shinies are glitches!


Well-Known Member
Wow, these are interesting! Prof. Oak had seven Pokemon?


Furret rocks
I know that Eevee was 'Eon' and Scyther was 'Strike' in the beta versions.


We can only guess Oak was the E-4 champion, you've got me there, but his team was

Lv61 Tauros
Lv57 Alakazam
Lv59 Exeggutor
Lv60 Arcanine
Lv60 Exeggutor
Lv60 Gyarados
Lv58 Magneton

It is very similar to Gary's E-4 Pokemon. We know about the Cinnabar land route for sure, due to the fact it left evidence behind, the Old man+Cinnabar coast+missingno. trick, which was made possible due to this removed route. The female protagonist gave the idea for Blue of the manga, and Nintendo once revealed there was a female protaganist who was removed due to lack of memory space. If you look at many pre-release shots, you will see many of the Pokemon had different names (Like Beedrill was called "Stinger"). Rainer, Charcolt, etc are not their real names, which are unknown, they are the names given to them by hackers, however the existent of these glithches shows evidence of the Pokemon that were removed. Someone accidentally found a map of pallet Town with a cave next to it by hacking. The thing that suggests it is the Unown dungeon is that the data from the Unown Dungeon has been cut and modified from an original location, the only other cave that has also been modified like that is Diglett's cave, so being fair it could have been diglett's cave by Pallet, but it is unlikely. And peopl shout FAKEORS!! no matter what. I mean some people think shinies are glitches!
Yeah, that's seven Pokemon. Two Exeggutors.

However, the Oak battle found by GameShark could contribute to this.
As well, pictures would help out a great deal. Especially by hacking, you could find a decent picture.


Glitch Hunting Freak
-There were 15 Pokemon that could be caught in the beta versions which were removed. (One was left in the games, Mew, but the others were removed and left the gliches Missingno., M., Glitchy Chairzard, .A, .4, Poke, Chisau-u, and Glitcherino in their place, and the final 7 became only accessible by hacking and are known as Rainer, Charcolt, Sauropod, Pikablu, Poliwierd, Kanghasbaby and Mewthree)

There are no "pokegods" or 2 gen pokemon. But those are relpaced with more glitchs, H poke, PkMn, []a[] (not []A[]), LM4, PokeW trainer, P t, 3trainerpoke, 4 4, 4 4Hy, (female), p PkMn p, Z4, X-x, 4. ., 7g, (symbols), Q, (glitch charizard is called CHARIZARD M')

Also the pallet town grass could be considered beta info...


Pokemon Trainer
By any chance is there any beta screenshots and also more infomation

*There maybe one more town in the beta verison called Sunny Town then in the final verison now it's glitch city
*There were oringally 190 Pokemon but they think it's too many so they deduced it to 151

Mostly that is it by away if you find any beta screenshots show them to people


Glitch Hunting Freak
*There maybe one more town in the beta verison called Sunny Town then in the final verison now it's glitch city

No glitch city is created by this...
OK when you preform the glitch to get to glitch city you are, let's say, in the water next to cinibar. Once you go back into the front room after the ding dong, the game tries to load the area code. BUT since it is trying to load the area code for, fusia city, the safari gate, and you are SUPPOSED to be in the safari, the game gets confused, loads random datas from those areas and POOF! glitch city!

But their is a beta town called Sunny Town, I believe it is supposed to have been in the area between: pallet, lavender, and cerulean...


Have a nice day!
Sorry, I typed Exeggutor twice. My Mistake. I've heard vaguely of Sunny Town. Hmmm... (tries to remember). Nope, I'll have a think on this. See If I can remember.


Sunny Town is the name of one of the early towns in the anime, if that's related at all. The one with the Cycling Road imitation.


Furret rocks
I'm having a look around for beta names...


Shiny hunter
A mod should dig up the old thread on this topic, then merge it into this one.

If I remember correctly, it was called "Beta Findings".


Natsu no Maboroshi
I've never heard about beta versions, but I'll try to find some screenshots. That's really interesting.

Super Wario 64

Giggity GOO!
In the Betas, "The" was put in before a trainer you're battling's name I/E, The Lass, The Cueball. but it brung Engrish as in
"The Brock wants to fight!" and
"The Koga wants to fight!"