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BF-BD Rating


Move Puppet inc.
Well, the title pretty much says it all :p...What is your average rating in the Battle Frontier Battle dome? Mine usually is in between A sure top three finalist and this team will be happy if it has one win :p

Emerald Metagross

Well-Known Member
Mine always says: "The best candidate to be a champ!" (I know, I'm that great...) :p


Good at Life.
Mine has never said anything other "The best candidate to be champ."

It's been awhile since I've looked to notice .. does it say something different when Tucker shows up?

Emerald Metagross

Well-Known Member
No, but on Tucker says:"The perfect, invincible superstar"


Head AlwaysHeld High
I've beaten Tucker so many times.... XD I do like how he dances around and makes the crowd go nuts. In the Battle Tower I've beat 322 trainers in my record for Open Level, but I haven't bothered to make that bigger in quite a while. Battle Factory I just go to for fun, and I completely lucked out when I had to face Noland; I had a fully-evolved Pokemon with a type advantage over his Minun.