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BF double team Team


to much cookies!
Absol adamant nature
flame thrower
swords dance
ice beam
double team

Walrien serius nature
ice beam
body slam
double team

latios quirky nature
luster plurge
dragon dance
double team
i will not change double team for any of them!!


Uh, what? Double team means Double Battle right? But you can't enter with only 3 Pokemon, you need 4.


Alea iacta est.
^ o_0 AB, I don't think so. I think it means that all of his Pokemon have Doube Team in their sets. In any event, I have NO IDEA how to rate this.


Good Eye Sniper
he means the move double team is themed on his team which is stupid since double team is a horrible move putting it lightly.


Alea iacta est.
Uhhh, ok.

Absol @ Leftovers/Something
Trait: Pressure
Jolly Nature (+Spd, -SAtk)
- Swords Dance
- Baton Pass
- Double Team (Yuck....)
- Return

Nature is rather random.

EDIT: Why would you have an Adamant Absol and it's moveset be Flamethrower, Double Team, Ice Beam, and Swords Dance? o_0 me no understand your logic

Frost Nova

The predator awaits.
i dont care if double team sucks just rate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wow, that sure is a great attitude to get people rating. So you do know Double Team sucks, and before I go on about how DT is bad, let me introduce myself.

Hi, my name is Weezing and I like to Haze away people's statups, especially Double Team. It's what I do for a profession as well as my normal duties as a physical wall in a competitive team. Personally I laugh until my two faces turn purple (wait: I AM purple.)at people who use DT, since it's really a luck based move, and for the fact I eat DTers for breakfast. You could DT once and have everything thrown at you miss, or DT six times and still get hit by the opponent. Go ahead and DT away, I'll always be there to Haze away all of them for you.


Psyched Up
Staff member
I saw Latios has Dragon Dance, with two Psychic moves. Wow.

Since Absol has been rated, I'll take the other.

~Dragon Dance
~Shadow Ball
~Double Team (I actually suggest to change this to Recover...)


Well-Known Member
Then I'll rate Walrein...

Walrien @ Bold Nature
Ice Beam
Double Team << Toxic

I think Walrein is more Tank. Even so, Blastoise is probably better because Ice is probably the worst type to defend with.

Latios Modest/Timid Nature
Calm Mind
Ice Beam
Double Team << Recover

The Quirky Nature can pretty much stay. But a Special Sweeping Latios would be better...



Frost Nova’s post wins the thread. gg pichubros gg.

I hope that when you actually battle, you’ll see how futile Double Team really is. That’s one way to learn from your mistakes.