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BF pokes


Beginning Trainer
Hi, I want a to make a new BF team. Within it I want Regice, with his standard set (Tbolt, Ice Beam, TWave and Rest). Now I would like some suggestions for the other two Pokes? Movesets aren't necessary. Please help!


I won't give up!
Regice @ Leftovers
Bold nature
- Thunderbolt
- Ice Beam
- Rest
- Thunderwave
^^ your special wall

Gardevoir @ Lum Berry
Modest nature
- Psychic
- Thunderbolt
- Will-o-Wisp
- Calm Mind
^^ your special sweeper

Heracross @ Choice Band
Adamant nature
- Focus Punch
- Megahorn
- Rock Slide
- Brick Break / HP Ghost / Facade
^^ your physical sweeper


Well-Known Member
i reckon breloom is better than heracross
mostly because of spore and leech seed :)
Turn 1 Spore
Turn 2 Seed
Turn 3 Sub
Turn 4 Spore or punch
etc :D

the moveset is Spore, Focus Punch, Leech Seed and Subsitute

frontier champion

Well-Known Member
Nlissey is what you call a Tank and his teaam needs a Physical sweeper.

but if you want Blissey then:

Blissey@ Focus Band
Nature: (which ever one complements the moveset)
Gardevoir ;282; (Excellent Special Attack and Special Defense)

Calm Mind
Shock Wave/Thunderbolt
Return/Hidden Power

Milotic ;350; (High Special Attack and Excellent Special Defense)

Mirror Coat/Toxic
Ice Beam


^^Pure Genius

Machamp > All!
Choice Band

Rock Slide
Cross Crop
HP Ghost, Earthquake (If you dont like HP's)

Frost Nova

The predator awaits.
For those who say Heracross isn't good, stfu. Heracross is one of the best physical sweepers out there, and is one of the few physical sweepers that can hit bulky waters and physical walls hard. Even Suicune doesn't like Resting when Heracross is in.

Breloom is still pretty awesome btw. But if you want a good Choice Bander Heracross is a very good choice.

btw MistyLover, why do you always insist on putting Mirror Coat on Milotic, and Return on poor Gardevoir? Mirror Coat's not going to be doing much damage with Milo's base 120 Spec. Def, and Return is going to be really pathetic with Gardy's base 65 Atk. Plainly said, your ratings suck. Please do your homework before trying to rate.

This is the cream of the crop.

frontier champion said:
but if you want Blissey then:

Blissey@ Focus Band
Nature: (which ever one complements the moveset)

That moveset sucks balls. Nuff said. Blissey can do so much better than annoying the hell out of the opponent.