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Big Dolls?


A la lune!
I have heard on Gamefaq that you can get a big doll for each of the regis,does anyone know where to get them?

Can someone please help me
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Well-Known Member
Thats only for the Japanese version of Emerald, The only big dolls you can get in the English one is Charizard,Blastoise,Venasaur(256BP),Lapras,Snorlax(126BP)


As Raikou77 said, it's impossible to get the Regi dolls through normal gameplay. If I recall correctly, they were only available to winners of a special Japan-only tournament (as well as certain ribbons).

You can get them via AR, though... <.<


Well-Known Member
As Raikou77 said, it's impossible to get the Regi dolls through normal gameplay. If I recall correctly, they were only available to winners of a special Japan-only tournament (as well as certain ribbons).

You can get them via AR, though... <.<

This is really stupid...
I know they are unoptainoble but why does nintendo put them in the game without a way of getting them? They should have made them some event prizes or something.


Sera Kureseria
What do you mean by Event prizes? Events in-game or IRL?
You forgot Waiilmer, which is given by a lady in Sootopolis or Bought at the clearout sale for $10,000, and The Rydon, which is also bought at the clearout sale. =/


Toon link
sad to here to but theres always the other boring dolls


Shadow Amongst Light
Sad when they force use to cheat

Who forced you to cheat for some Dolls........(seriously, Noone put the cheating device in your hands and told you that it was of vital importance to the game and your life that you have that stuff))???

Lots of things get put in the game sometimes that they decide not to include in any final version. The Regi dolls are one of those things. Not too many people seemed too concerned about the dolls in the game so Nintendo just seems to have forgetten about them.


You will be missed:(
It's hard to be concerned about something if you don't know it exists