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Birthday Game Thing

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Everyone has a birthday right? Unless you were a fetus who was given birth in a test tube or something like that. Anyway, if everyone has a birthday and theres like 2000 members on this forum, everyones birthday should cover up the whole year. im talking about january 1st to december 31st. and if someone has a birthday on the leap day (my friend robert has a birthday on february 29... im serious) thats even better. so just post your birthday and hopefully we'll get them all. hooray!! ill start first...


P.S. you dont have to put the year


Well-Known Member
I put the year!


Stabby McStabface
03/29/1993 aka 29th March


They really like us
August 9 1994


blaziken trainer

Sailor Merury

Butterflys rock!
1/17 Yay. It sometimes is Martin Luther King Jr. Day.


Burn bright & strong
3/6 I have to wait for my next birthday.
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