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Black Ice

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Member of Black Ice
Thank you! I would love a sneasel. I've always wanted to join a guild but never really got around to it. I'm so excited for Sun and moon!


Pokémon Breeder
Ludicolo. Is the best Pokemon. Other than Tyranitar, of course.

Is your rain team singles or doubles? I love building rain teams and would be glad to help.


Member of Black Ice
Well I recently made a realization that vgc is a thing so i think I'm turning more towards doubles. But it started out as a singles team. Politoed leads with a damp rock, kingdra is my main sweeper, but I'm using ludicolo as more of an annoyer.

By the way I downloaded the Discord app, how do I get hooked up with you guys?
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Pokémon Breeder
The link to our chatroom is in the OP

That's a very predictable set for rain, but there's a lot of ways you can switch up how those pokemon are used. The biggest problem as of right now is that we don't know which pokemon will be VGC legal until we know the Sun/Moon dex. we might not even have Politoed :eek:


Cheese for everyone!
we might not even have Politoed :eek:

After 2012 and 2016, I am perfectly fine with this. It would be nice to have no weather in VGC17, would it not? If you want to use rain, use Rain Dance! Hahahaha!

More than likely, we will have weather, but a girl can hope, right?
After 2012 and 2016, I am perfectly fine with this. It would be nice to have no weather in VGC17, would it not? If you want to use rain, use Rain Dance! Hahahaha!

More than likely, we will have weather, but a girl can hope, right?

If normal weather is not around as much we might see more of the "type rooms" as they have interesting effects that would be fun to take full advantage of.
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Member of Black Ice
That's weird, I must have missed that link. Got it now, thanks. Don't all the Tapu Pokemon have some sort of "room" move? it would be interesting to see that type of play as the main focus. But would it just make the game go on for too long with each player constantly switching to activate their team's favored room type?

I was also planning on using Bronzong as mid game Rainer if something happens to the Politoed. And it looks like Kabutops and I was looking into a Bulky Toxicroak to take advantage of the rain.
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Pokémon Breeder
I've finally got around to setting up the battle report! It's going to be on the first post.

Also, Bronzong is an interesting choice for a rain dancer. I feel like it would be a good choice for your team :) As for bulky toxicroak, I'm not sure how well that would work. Not sure how much a toxicroak can take to be bulky


Nvm i dont want to be in it :/
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Member of Black Ice
Bulky toxicroak uses dry skin, black sludge, and Drain Punch to stay alive in the rain


Pokémon Breeder
Opponent(s): Chouru
Partner (if multi):
Battle Type: Singles
Victor: Dumbness
Score: 2-0 (I'll only count it as a 3v3 match since Chouru only brought 3 by accident and he KO'd my amoonguss)

Opponent(s): Chouru
Partner (if multi):
Battle Type: Singles
Victor: Dumbness
Score: 4-0

The problem with Toxicroak is its mediocre defensive stats, it's not one to take much of a hit. But if you can build it in a way that lets it tank what it needs, go for it
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Member of Black Ice
Opponent(s): Dumbness
Partner (if multi):
Battle Type: Singles
Victor: Dumbness
Score: 0-2

Opponent(s): Dumbness
Partner (if multi):
Battle Type: Singles
Victor: Dumbness
Score: 0-4

it was a good match. learned a lot. and yeah bulky croak is definitely not normal. his saving grace is drain punch. without it he is not able to stay alive. I guess the trick is getting him in safely.
Opponent(s): Lawliet
Partner (if multi):
Battle Type: Singles (league teams)
Victor: FriedChickenBaconWaffles
Score: honestly cant remember (closed tab)

Opponent(s): Lawliet
Partner (if multi):
Battle Type: Singles (league teams)
Victor: FriedChickenBaconWaffles
Score: 2-0


Cheese for everyone!
If you want your battles to count, don't battle the same people multiple times.


Pokémon Breeder
I hope everyone's been enjoying Sun and Moon! Be mindful of others who don't have it yet (it's not even out in Europe) and keep specific information to zero. Battles that take place in Sun Moon count for battle reports though, so don't forget to earn those DD! More rewards will be coming for DD as time goes by, so start saving!


the prince of stars
After 2012 and 2016, I am perfectly fine with this. It would be nice to have no weather in VGC17, would it not? If you want to use rain, use Rain Dance! Hahahaha!

More than likely, we will have weather, but a girl can hope, right?

I can't wait for my precious Hail team to finally be mildly viable with all the new Hail-oriented things...


Pokémon Breeder
SOS chaining is going to be the end of me.... Has anybody had any luck with their farming goals? Any shinies yet? Perfect IV Pokemon? :eek:

Kitt Geekazaru

Infernape Trainer
I really wanted to finish the harvest today before the night temps get down below freezing, but no, I have not had any luck with my farming goals. As for shinies, I still haven't found any buried Confederate treasure in my cotton fields.
(I'm from georgia so it's not racist)


Pokémon Breeder
Do you actually have a farm/ plantation?

I've tried chaining for an HA Mareanie 3 times now... and I'm certainly not enjoying it.
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