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Black Ice

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Pokémon Breeder
Random battles are best done out of 3 because of the randomness. I'll think of an official battle limit per day so that it's more concise and people are still encouraged to practice more.

I just jotted down all of the matches and will record them soon :)


Member of Black Ice

Opponent: Dumbness
Battle Type: Pokebank OU singles
Victor: Dumbness
Score: (Dumbness) 2-0 (Chouru)

It was honestly a close battle. I thought I could pull it off if barely if my Gigalith could just survive Vika's Bug Buzz. But alas, he did not. I was testing out my sandstorm team, which I'm actually pretty happy with. Just need some minor adjustments.


Opponent: Chouro
Battle Type: Pokebank OU singles
Victor: CaXV
Score: (CalXV) 2-0 (Chouru)

I really like the sandstorm team bro :)


Member of Black Ice
Haha, Its Chouru. with a "U" Here's the link for the battle.

Getting a little frustrated with myself. Why can't I make this team work? I guess my only real way to take down steel types is Garchomp's fire fang, which isn't ideal. Maybe I will post this in RMT and see what everyone else thinks.
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I spelled it right first time round lol just need to work with it more i think


Member of Black Ice

Opponent(s): Lawliet
Battle Type: VGC 2017
Victor: Chouru
Score: 2-0

I hate to say it but Oranguru/Torkoal is a broken, cheap, but effective way of at least scoring one win against somebody who's not prepared for it. I don't even really know the best way to defeat it, because Torkoal is the slowest weather setter so he will always at least get one turn of sun, granted in order for the combo to work, he needs two turns guaranteed but if the opponent is running pelliper or gigalith and they either switch out or don't lead with it, I guess that's when you need a backup plan to make it work. But turn 2 Instructed Eruption in the Sun is usually enough for an immediate 2 KOs. Loving this team so far.
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Pokémon Breeder
Double battle formats have the problem of cheap turn one gimmicks if someone isn't aware of what a pokemon can do. When you're doing randoms or laddering etc. you should have a fake outer / taunter to lead with in case you see some bizarre pokemon on the other team.


Member of Black Ice
Yeah really all I was doing was testing out the gimmick to see how effective it is. At lower ranks it works well. but as I kept winning more and more, it got harder and harder because the opponent was able to see it coming from a mile away
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Double battle formats have the problem of cheap turn one gimmicks if someone isn't aware of what a pokemon can do. When you're doing randoms or laddering etc. you should have a fake outer / taunter to lead with in case you see some bizarre pokemon on the other team.

This is the fun of doubles, you have to expect the unexpected and it takes more strategy than Singles. (in my opinion)


Pokémon Breeder
The understanding you need can be a lot larger than for say, Smogon who keep about 30 pokemon relevant per tier. Unless you go against someone like Poema who uses lower tiered pokemon and non cookie-cutter sets to anger Smogon elitists lol

Kitt Geekazaru

Infernape Trainer
Does anyone have a list of the Pokemon allowed in Alola-dex-only formats? I have an idea of what I want to use, but not of what the enemy can throw at me.

Also, after I finish soft resetting for a shiny Type: Null, I'm going to catch every pokemon in the Alola region (except Lunala/Solgaleo/events) in a Beast Ball. Transferring my Level 100 false swipe t-wave Gallade as soon as humanly possible should make it easier.


Cheese for everyone!
Serebii has a very useful list of everything in the Alola Dex. Only Pokémon on this list are legal, with the exception of Zygarde (all formes), Cosmog, Cosmoem, Solgaleo, Lunala, Necrozma, Magearna, and anything yet to be released. Pokémon must also have the black clover, indicating it was obtained in Sun or Moon (similar to how Pokémon needed the blue pentagon last gen).

Kitt Geekazaru

Infernape Trainer
Anyone else hyped for Pokemon Bank update tomorrow?

...is there anything else happening at the New Year that I'm forgetting? I have the Munchlax "preorder" gift, and the Magearna QR code doesn't end...


Pokémon Breeder
Not sure, and I don't know where my 3DS went to check lol.

But yes, happy new year everyone! With it comes a lift on all spoilers, sun and moon can be freely discussed! (This is more relevant on the Discord)

Hope this new year brings benefits to all and hope for humanity. Probably will have little of the latter but only time will tell :)
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