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Black snake thing on new intro?


Good Night!
The only thing I see are shadows probably from clouds or like Heracross said Lizardon.

The Big Al

I just keeping Octo
Yup, that's definantly Charizard's head and neck. Besides, this should be in spoilers and incorporated in the thread for the new Japanese intro.

V Faction

Heh... "Snake thing"

Also, this topic fails. It shall now be about kittens and puppies and raccoons eating said kittens and puppies. With explosions.


Coral Eye Trainer
Just like May's egg is definately an Eevee and/or Zigzagoon, whichever stand everyone seems to have taken?

Show me the proof it's Charizard. Until then, Aerodactyl seems totally plausible to me. For all we know it could be a Jynx. Prove it wrong.

Komedic Konservationist

N00b in the dungeon!
That's not just any Charizard, that's a SHINY!!!!! Well either that or it's some kind of demonic Charizard, which is more likely considering that it dosn't sparkle and that it's eyes are glowing. Anyways, look up Charizard on the Serebii Dex, and check out it's shiny. Familiar, is it not?


V Faction, someone needs to give you an award for most quoteable posts. XD

Yeah, that is indeed a Lizardon. Those screenshots kinda make you wonder if they're intending on a Mysterious Dungeon mini series or something during the course of Battle Frontier.


Well-Known Member
master chuckle said:
That's not just any Charizard, that's a SHINY!!!!! Well either that or it's some kind of demonic Charizard, which is more likely considering that it dosn't sparkle and that it's eyes are glowing. Anyways, look up Charizard on the Serebii Dex, and check out it's shiny. Familiar, is it not?

It's not a shiny. If you look at the other pokemon, you can see they're in the shadows.


Contaminated KFC

It might not happen, BUT WHO KNOWS?!?


Rev up those fryers
What is that? It looks like its eating Meowth! Whats with Tyranitar, Gengar, and Alakazam? Are they shadow pkmn?


Milotic Obsessed
Jigglychu said:
What is that? It looks like its eating Meowth! Whats with Tyranitar, Gengar, and Alakazam? Are they shadow pkmn?

And look above Gengar's head in the second picture of the three of them. I can see red glowing eyes. Not sure what it is, but it looks like it's flying.


Yeah, ok!
Wow, I never knew the Pokemon fanbase can be so freakin' clueless!

I mean seriously, I felt my brain crumbling to pieces as I was reading some of the replies in this thread.

Must everything be spelled out for the lot of you? It's a Charizard in shadows to make it look cool, just like the Pokemon in shadows in the third AG opening is Mewtwo. :rolleyes: