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Blanked Screen


Hiya guys, my DS is broken. I think.

While it was on, I drpped it, and when I picked it up, there was a white horizontal line across the middle of the top screen. It was still working, but that part of the screen was whited out so you couldn't see. Every time I turned it on after that, mmore and more lines filled the screen until half of the screen was completely covered with white. I can still play GBA games, on the bottom screen, but the top screen is stuffed. DS games work, but I can only see the Touch screen and half of the Top screen. Btw, it's not a Lite. it's a normal one.

Any way I can fix it without having to contact nintendo? Has it happened to you?

The Thrashmeister

<-- Made of awesome.
Any way I can fix it without having to contact nintendo? Has it happened to you?

Most likely not. Nintendo's probably the only one that can help you with that. And if your DS is still under warranty, you're in luck.

And no, it has never happened to me.


I've heard of this happening to a few other people, and I think they're stuck pixels. If that's the case, then you'd have no choice but to send it in to Nintendo for a replacement screen because dead pixels cannot be fixed.

But, I don't know how you would find out.


Long time no see
Listen the waranty on a ds lasts a while just send it back like the others said an they will get it back to you in prime condition.......
RIP....Lebonaire's ds.......may its computer chips rest in pieces.....:(
i have to admit i have dropped my ds a couple of times, how far did you drop it any way????