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Blennix's Gold Revamps


Gold Revamper

I've been trying to do Revamps ever since People where talking about it and i've been seeing them post their works. I've never knew what it took, i thought it was just recolouring the sprite....I was wrong :( I tried it again and I just could get the shading right. I red revamp tutorials :p by a few fantastic Revamps such as Castiboy (I Personally Loved his Sprites) and Aocom (I Personally Loved his Revamps).

Now this is my try.

T3h S4urz:

T3h ch412z:

T3h t0Rt3Rz

T3h C4tTeRp0D3Rz:
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~Lucario Master~

Well-Known Member
The left side of Bulbasaur's bulb it too lightly shaded. Add some more of it's basic shade. Other then that, pretty good revamps.
They have too much black on the outlines, replace it and try use the style used on the offical sprites. Also, on the Ivy saur, the back of it, the bit in shadow needs soem highlighrs with the mid shade.

-aocom v2-

Victory is ours!
^^ thankies~

Personally, I think they are quite good. They look like they need a little bit of anti-aliasing, just to make things smoother. And the light souce on Venusaur is wonky (look at it's head and left leg). BUlbasaurs spots seem a little dark as well. I don't have the sprites right in front of me, but it looks like you're doing a great job~


Gold Revamper
Thanks for the Comments
@ Ruzzy: I've looked that the real Sprites for the outline shading and where you sed that Ivy need some shading i just didn't think it needed it.
@ Aocom: Yeah if i look at it. It does. How would i anti-alias? I'm using paint you see.

I should have Charmander, Charmeleon and Charizard tomorrow, so watch out of this thread.
Here they are. the Chars
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Aloha wau ia 'oe<3
It looks like you pasted the head of Charizard from the other sprite,

other than that i would give you a 3/5 or 8/10


Looks like you paasted the head of the Charizard in Emerald on that revamp. You should've revamped the head. The Ivysaur's shading looks weird, dunno why. You get an 8/10.