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Blissey:Worth It?


Well-Known Member
I've been seeing people going crazy over it,but I don't know if it is worth my time and patience to raise one.So I just need opinions,and if you're positive of training one please make suggestions about moveset evs etc.

-Thank you.


best in the world
blissey against any speacial sweeper is great, with over 700 hp and around 120 def it can stand up to physical and with around 280 SDef it is a serious tank

natural cure
252 hp/252 def/6 Sdef
~seismic toss
~heal bell/aromeopherapy


Well-Known Member
No, since Snorlax can do everything that Blissey can do (bar belling) and be able to attack.


Well-Known Member
It can't,toxic lowers HP slowly,surely and increasingly but T-Wave doesn't.Anyway I'm following Taylor's advice,and I won't need Ice Beam because,well...ghost types aren't really popular around here where I live :D

Thank All Of You;298;

EDIT:Um...another question,around what level am I recommended to evolve Chansay into Blissey?(happines)
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Well-Known Member
Okaydokie!Off to breeding now!

Frost Nova

The predator awaits.
Calm Mind Blissey is much easier to get and is more useful ingame.

Bold Nature
- Calm Mind
- Ice Beam
- T-Bolt
- Softboiled