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Completing The Trio
i wouldn't say its the best but it does have very good hp


Well-Known Member
The best,no definatley not...well it could be it matters on your strategy,fighting style etc.
and it matters on opinion,personaly I hate using the pokémon blissey but hey,thats just my fighting style...


I'm too coo', foo'
It can be one of the best non 00ber poke with the right moves,set-up and in the right team. But there others who are better than blissey.


Does nobody else see that this thread is a little pointless?

And there is no 'best' non Uber. They all get countered somehow.


fuk yo couch ***** !
wobbuffet and wynaut are probably the best, but a LOT of people consider them to be 00bers. depends on your standpoint really.


Well-Known Member
No,its just overused,its not uber due to having such low defense but high specialdefense, its obvious that people will use physical atks,but with max hp and max defense,its hard to kill


This thread is pointless >.>

And Blissey is NOT the best. Pretty much any OU Physical sweeper can take it out. Really, there is no best non-uber o_O


Obsessive Beader/Mod
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