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Blissey's moveset


Codenumber 242
Here it is:
Item: Leftovers
Seismic Toss
Thunder Wave (may change to Ice Beam)

And it is currently at Lv 47.

Pika Egg

Veteran newbie ^_^
Standard moveset. Use Ice Beam if you're afraid of Ghosts/Salamence/Dugtrio type of critters walling/destorying you, otherwise I say stick with T-wave.



Ice Beam/Toxic/Counter are all alternatives to T-Wave. You can even use Calm Mind Blissey if you feel like it (it may be more useful in-game).


Emerald Sword
It is pokemon of the week right now, you can read movesets for Blissey there too.


Furret rocks
Does it have a Bold nature?