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Bloody Bag Eggs!

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top 8 guy

Ok I know my friend uses an ar and he traded me some pokemon I think it was Blissey, but anyway I put it in the day care and I couldn't put my other pokemon it. So I had a look at what was wrong and it said that there was a bad a egg in the daycare with blissey. So I took the bad egg out and tried to put my ditto in, but it said there was another bag egg in there! So now I can't use the day care, waaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh, and ps I have tried turning it off and on but I saved after I put the Blissey in the daycare cause I though I had to hop out of the car.
Oh, bad eggs are no good, they kill your game
I think its A+B+Up+Start+Select, but I'm pretty sure I'm wrong, seeing as I never bothered for factory resets


The new tuxedo look!
No, you can elimanate bad eggs by performing the cloning glitch incorrectly.

top 8 guy

Hmmmm ok thanks, Just I might do when I have traded over my pokemon onto colo, just I really wanna keep my game file, cause losing the day care center isn't that bad is it? Cause I can always get my mates to breed for me

EDIT: Can you? How?

top 8 guy

AHAHAHAHA, I must have been blind not to see that! Thanks for the help! and btw what happened to that Latias picture you had on your avatar? It looked good, but now I can hardly recognise you.


The new tuxedo look!
Me? Well, I changed AV because since I joined the enperuto/pottaishi/poochama club, I decided having the adorable pottashi as my av seems much more on theme.
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