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Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon?

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ViNe WhIp

Johto Champion
I might sound a little noobish but has anyone gotton an english one yet? I love mine and to think only $5.00 with mange.


<-Don't wake him up!
No I don't but a couple friends of mine from school got theirs yesterday. Yeah the Shonen Jump magazine is only 5 bucks; pretty good deal IMO.
I'm not too excited about BEUD, b/c of CED

ViNe WhIp

Johto Champion
I'm sorry but what card is CED?
got four of em, and at a bargain of $3 each ^_^

I traded 2 of em, 1 for horus lv.8 UR and another BEUD for a bunch of awesome cards like a rare morphing jar, DDA, BTH, Sakuretsus....etc...

I love trading n00bs <3

and the CED that tyranitar rex is specifying is Cyber End Dragon

Flame Haze SnS

Shonen Jump always come at the first tuesday of each month? Must have BEUD tommorrow!

Off-Topic: Will there going to be Non-First Edition (Regular) Cybernetic Revolution and Elemental Energy in U.S.?


um i have already bought a none first edition pack of CRV even though i havent seen them almost anywhere
i have no idea for EEn

ViNe WhIp

Johto Champion
A couple people i know said they'll pay like $20.00 for it. I do it and go buy another one lol

onix lord

Well-Known Member
I dont have a subscription to Shonen Jump and I dont know anybody that has one either. But I usually buy Shonen Jump from a local Blockbuster near me and Ive gotten the special Red Eyes Black Dragon and a Beast of Gilfer. Does BEUD come with the magazine or is it given out to subscribers only?

ViNe WhIp

Johto Champion
Comes with the manga and the subscription so yes if you went to a store and got the Manga you would get the card as well.

Eon Chao

Phoenix Clan Samurai
Heh ^_^ I have 5 copies of the issue being imported...I love proper comic shops ^_^ on that note I must go pillage all the shops back home as well so I have trade bait for next year XD

The Requiem

I would want one more if I had..you know...Cyber Steins...Byser SHocks...The basic OTK stuff. Plus the fact that CED can trample and well..this guy cant.

But ****, I like Ultimate Dragon.

Eon Chao

Phoenix Clan Samurai
In honesty it is a kick *** card in terms of how it looks...I mean I'm buying 3 Burst Stream of Destruction just to build a deck which can run it.

onix lord

Well-Known Member
Well I have good belief that I am getting a BEUD, because I was at a Blockbuster last night with my Mom and I was going to buy a Shonen Jump that came with the card, and when I showed it to her she was like "oh sweetie you dont want to buy that". At first I was like "what are you talking about?!" but then she smiled and I understood that she probally got it. So now I am happy and have to be patient till Christmas.

Flame Haze SnS

Just got BEUD couple days ago. Along with 2 DR2 booster packs.
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