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Blue Sky Meadow Help


Active Member
I need help in this. How do I get 'Blue Sky Meadow' friend area? I gather you have to get it differently other than buying it from Wigglytuff.


Well-Known Member
I have found it at the Cheat Code Central. http://www.cheatcc.com

And you have to get to the point in the game, and complete that dungeon with the main objective first, then you can do the rescue mission.

The friend area in the english version is the Sky Blue Plains


Well-Known Member
Client: Poliwag
Objective: Help it
Place: Uproar Forest 5F
Difficultly: C
Reward: Friend Area (Sky Blue Plains)
6 ? 2 (...) (M) ! S ? ? F 7 9
9 ? ? Y F J 1 6 ! 4 ? W


PokeMon Professor
I just did the mission for rescuing Smeargle.