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Bo^7 #9 "Gasser Up! I'm Ready To Drive!

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Airdate: Tonight, if it is Saturday December 3, 2005 10:30 PM
Channel: Cartoon Network, of course!

Oh great, the manga was right! We have a great pun, to introduce the new character Gasser, keepin' his Manga name at least. More puns, more laughs, and more excitment before Adult Swim? Now, can we get a letterbox format over here?!

Discuss, after airing!
NNNNOOOOOO I wish his name was Heppokumaru!

Blackjack Gabbiani

Clearly we're great!
I'm really hating how the dub doesn't translate important text for us. They showed a lot of text in this episode and didn't tell us what most of it was. It wouldn't detract anything to replace it with English, or to give us subtitles for it.


Frustrated Elf
They probably don't think it's worth the effort, since most of the text is either already said in the script or would have to be rewritten in order for it to make sense in English.

Plus, Toonami seems to have a thing against providing subtitles for on-screen text. They took away subtitles from the songs in the early DBZ movies, and they removed the majority of the subtitles in Rurouni Kenshin.

Kecleon Freak

Legendary Pirate
About Heppokomaru's name being changed, I think I know why they did it. In the scene where Don Patch is laughing at his funny name, that wouldn't make any sense if Americans didn't know what his name meant.

Anyway, probably my favorite episode yet. Don Patch and Gasser's comments about "The show", were hilarious,(The fourth wall must have been completely shattered by the time this ep was over) and whimpering leopard Bobobo was funny too.
Kecleon Freak said:
About Heppokomaru's name being changed, I think I know why they did it. In the scene where Don Patch is laughing at his funny name, that wouldn't make any sense if Americans didn't know what his name meant.

Still they could have implied it in the sentence some how that Heppokomaru's name means gas etc. I've seen anime dub do that before and it works well.

This episode wasn't as funny to me as yesterday's or the others. I kinda had to forced my laugh. Hopefully next episode is different and much better.
Well, at least somebody mentioned a good solution for that problem Dogasu;

Narrator: Oh that's my cue! Ahem, Introducing Geha the Gale, Commander of C-Block!
Geha: Get those Japanese words off of me!

Geha agrees that they should be erased.

(edit: the japanese text in this episode is on purpose kept to support that joke I hear, she says it in the original as well!)
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Storm Trainer
Maybe the Japanese text should be something best kept in the DVD releases, once they come out. And the breaking of the fourth wall has been done many times in Duel Masters! (Pictures Shobu shouting "Bolshak Dragon, Break that Fourth Wall! Iké!") And I think it was done once or twice in Pokemon, with that kid and his Farfetch'd tricking Team Rocket twice in one episode!

Korobooshi Kojiro

Don't forget Team Rocket's famous line: "Even the writers don't know"

Don Patch is f-ing hillarious, he makes the show(Maybe thats why episode 3 was my least favorite, cause he was barelyin it)
I don't mind the japanese text. At least purists will be happy.
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