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Boiling Watterson (unrelated to Pokémon)


Salingerian Phony
Boiling Watterson (unrelated to Pokémon)

Hello, everybody. Before I do anything else on these parts, I'd like to post a story on here. It's a pretty old story of mine, actually. It was made a few years ago, but I figure it makes a good starting point for my series, since it uses mostly new characters and thus requires no prior knowledge of the characters and situations.

I shouldn't give out a plot summary, since it should all be completely understandable as you read it. I should say in advance that this is a detective story though, so you should start looking for clues before the case actually begins.

Anyway, the story is 68 pages long. It was done with the cheapest supplies possible: Paper-Mate pens on printing paper. Seriously, the supplies used for this probably would cost less than $3. I'll start you on page 1; just click "Next" to keep going or "Previous" to go back. (Page 1's Previous links to the last page.) Click on the title below to begin.

And I guess you can wander around my album if you feel like it. I have two other stories I've put up: "The Gender Divide" (87 pages) and "Balsamic Cigarette" (97 pages).


Yeah, baby!
Woah.. that comic was HUGE. The art is good, and the plot is good too. The ending was funny also. The only reason no one posted here is probably because the comic took them a long time to read.


Salingerian Phony
Yeah, that's how it typically is in most places I post this in. I know it's far too long for most people to finish in one sitting; perhaps I should split them up into multi-parters.

As you can see though, the stories I made after this one are even longer...


Waiting for the Worm
It's funny, but I suggest inking it with permanent markers. It looks neater and is easy to read; I had trouble translating some of the cramped word bubbles.


Salingerian Phony
Permanent markers leave really thick outlines. (I hope PhotoBucket didn't resize my images without asking again; I hate it when it does that.) The other reason though is because I use both sides of a sheet of paper, and permanent markers bleed through any sort of printing paper. I actually had to use more expensive 24-pound paper, since the ballpoint pen ink I use bleeds right through 20-pound paper. (Why do I use both sides? Because these comics were never meant to be scanned in. They were designed to be read on the paper they're drawn from.)

The other stories I have use different scanning means with less JPG compression; they should be easier.

Thanks for the suggestion though. Perhaps I can cut and paste panels in if needed.
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