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Beginning Trainer
It's only restricted by Lanturn and Magneton.


Well-Known Member
Boltbeam, aka the combination of Thunderbolt and Ice Beam, is basically amazing. Two fairly high powered attacks with 100% accuracy... and like Charizard_Trainer said, the combination is only resisted by three Pokemon because both attacks are hardly effective on said three. Take a bow Lanturn, Magenton and Shedinja.
Boltbeam, aka the combination of Thunderbolt and Ice Beam, is basically amazing. Two fairly high powered attacks with 100% accuracy... and like Charizard_Trainer said, the combination is only resisted by three Pokemon because both attacks are hardly effective on said three. Take a bow Lanturn, Magenton and Shedinja.

Ok, thanks you all very much, it's going to be Bolt-Beam, no Bolt-Surf, lol.


Well-Known Member
with Latios and Latias i find stab attacks more useful.


Well-Known Member
Yeah but in the Uber Metagame, there are hords of psychics that make Psychic ineffective and Dragon Claw will be physical in D/P


Well-Known Member
I mentioned that because others use Recover instead of psychic,and Surf instead of Dragon Claw to take care of fire types.


Steel Trainer
BoltBeam is great because few pokemon is resistant to both Ice Beam or Thunderbolt.


Well-Known Member
Dragon Claw is only useful against Dragon types,which Ice Beam covers apart from Kingdra.


I said, Bring It ON!
^^yah but latios' low sheilds make recover just a waste of a turn. you'll propably still take the same damage again. getrid of recover for either psychic or d-claw. latios needs his stab