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Champion Scientist
Since Manene really did join Team Rocket does this mean Brock or Max will get Bonsly?

Bonsly would be a great Pokemon for Brock since the original Rock gym leader doesn't have any rock types with him any more and since Sudowoodo is a rock type its kinda obvious Bonsly is to.

Why Max? Well its Max who trips on Bonsly in the intro, perhaps it means Max will finaly get a Pokemon, it would be cool.

What do you think about Bonslys appearence in the Opening? Cameo or prediction?


~Thîrûttû R⚢âl~
Gaiash said:
Since Manene really did join Team Rocket does this mean Brock or Max will get Bonsly?

Bonsly would be a great Pokemon for Brock since the original Rock gym leader doesn't have any rock types with him any more and since Sudowoodo is a rock type its kinda obvious Bonsly is to.

Why Max? Well its Max who trips on Bonsly in the intro, perhaps it means Max will finaly get a Pokemon, it would be cool.

What do you think about Bonslys appearence in the Opening? Cameo or prediction?

It's hard to say...as true..it seem it should have it debut sooner or later...but is it a stay or cameo? that is manys questions...

i'd say it should be BROCKS...but we can say that yet...and we'd just have to wait...as some would say May is with that egg...but I'D DISAGREE..cuz of the egg shell...but who knows...

we'll have to wait and see...lol


Custom User Title
If we ever see Masato get his first pokémon on the show, it should be Ralts. Anything else would be stupid.

Takeshi could get it, but since it would no doubt be used as a shameless marketing tool, it would overshadow his other pokémon and they would be used even less. :/


Contaminated KFC
Heracross said:
If we ever see Masato get his first pokémon on the show, it should be Ralts. Anything else would be stupid.

I suspect that it will join Brock at some point in the series. They're obviously not going to bother touching either Forretress and Marshtomp with a 30 ft pole at this point, so essentially Brock doesn't even own a pokémon anymore.
They'd give him Bonsly to conserve spaces for any useful future pokémon that could either go on Haruka or Ash's team. May as well dump it on someone who doesn't actually battle and have it come out occassionally just like the accursed Munchlax does.


Property of Jesus
Out of personal taste, I'm really hoping the little tree isn't captured at all. I'm not a fan of it or it's evo, so to see it in episodes to come would be rather annoying from my POV. ^^; There's also the fact I doubt Rukario is going to make any appearence at all, so it's cameo in the opening could be the same as the legendary. Just to promote the movie/D/P.

But if you want me to be honest, I will admit this. Even though I don't want it on the show, I'm almost a 100% sure the writers will indeed give it to Takeshi.


I have to admit, Bonsly and Max would be cool, but I don't think it'll happen. Brock will most likely get Bonsly, like predicted.


;ord of pokebattles
packerdan said:
I'm hoping that it isn't captured at all. Bonsly the new Jigglypuff? Better than having a capture.

I think that it will get caught by Brock although your idea is a good one packerdan.


If anyone should be getting Bonsly, it should be Brock. Let's be honest, when was the last time Brock actually captured a pokemon? I know his Mudkip evolved recently but still.

And as for Max getting Bonsly...

...*laughs*...It has to be Ralts...It just has to be...



;ord of pokebattles
medea said:
If anyone should be getting Bonsly, it should be Brock. Let's be honest, when was the last time Brock actually captured a pokemon? I know his Mudkip evolved recently but still.

And as for Max getting Bonsly...

...*laughs*...It has to be Ralts...It just has to be...

Brock Bonsly=yes
as for the Max and ralts i know Max made a promise to come and collect Ralts when he became a trainer, but when we first meet him didn't he say something about if he got a poke from Birch it would have been Treeko after seeing that May chose Torchic as her starter?


packerdan said:
I'm hoping that it isn't captured at all. Bonsly the new Jigglypuff? Better than having a capture.
Oh ya what ever happened to that Jigglypuff or that snubbul.


I'm Back? YAY!
My Guess:may's egg hatches into Bonsly...May sees it and says its not contest-material.....Brock gets it....Yup!


Champion Scientist
XyronTheFalcon said:
My Guess:may's egg hatches into Bonsly...May sees it and says its not contest-material.....Brock gets it....Yup!
or it gets more attached to Brock seems more believable


Champion Scientist
Heracross said:
Haruka's egg is not going to hath into Usohachi. It looks nothing like the damn thing. >_>
It looks abit like it actually so it has a chance plus it seems the most liley of the 3 most common guesses


I was thinking the egg would hatch into Bonsly earlier today. But everyone has their own opinions I guess.


Contaminated KFC
Heracross said:
Haruka's egg is not going to hath into Usohachi. It looks nothing like the damn thing. >_>
Don't bother Heracross. Listening to logic isn't his strong suit.
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