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Well-Known Member
I just saw bonsly what the heck hes a 4th gen pokemon from D/P why is he in XD and whats his porpuse?


Eh, ragazzo!
EfrainBarco said:
I just saw bonsly what the heck hes a 4th gen pokemon from D/P why is he in XD and whats his porpuse?

Ack. Run-on sentences. My arch nemesis. (j/k)

He was on XD for advertising. If you're asking what his in-game purpose was, it was that someone owned him, and then he got lost.
*Minor Spoiler*
[SPOIL]He was actually the one Pokemon to escape the cluthes of Cipher.[/SPOIL]


Um, he makes an appearance? It's listed on the main site's section for XD. You're supposed to convince him to follow you back to its Trainer. It's a lost Pokemon. When you return it to its Trainer, the Trainer is greatful and gives you a Battle CD that has a mode in which you have a battle with Bonsly on your team. However, it only knows the move Rockslide.

It's not an Easter Egg either. If you watch the demo at the start screen, Bonsly and Munchlax appear.


Well-Known Member
thanks for the info a mod can close this now.


general_pokemon said:
Miror's Sudowoodo's kiddie!!! j/k


That was the most stupid post I've read for the evening.
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