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I've been trying to get Bonsly back for a month now, and I can't seem to find it in any Pokespots. Can someone please tell me how to get it?

PS: I ran into Bonsly once before, and I walked up to it, and it took off!!! WTF!!!


Pachirisu Master
where did you meet it????


true love

You first see/find Bonsly in SS Libra, before you get your Snag Machine.. snagged? Yeah, bad joke. And then if you talk to the girl that told you about the missing Bonsly, she'll say that Bonsly must be hungry.. So you leave Pokésnacks in any of the Pokéspots, and by luck and probably random, it will come. You need to approach Bonsly slowly when you find it, and you get the chance at a PokéSpot.

Timid Kyogre

Endangered Creature
You'll see Bonsly at the SS Libra, then it'll run off cause of the message. Then go again and talk to the little girl then buy a few Pokesnacks (Five, so you'll have time to reach to that PokeSpot) and slowly walk to Bonsly and when you've got him you'll automaticly return to Pyrite and you'll get the Bingo Card

When I first tried it Bonsly came, but I think it doesn't appear sometimes

If you have any more questions check out the main site first.

~Timid Kyogre
i have no clue whatsoever...

ON TOPIC: after it runs away at s.s libra, u catch it at a pokespot. u dont' battle it, u approach it SLOWLY and then u will be automatically go to pyrite and get the bonsly bingo card.
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