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Boomers Breeders Paradise, Taking Orders for 5IV competetive Pokes (Updated as of 2020-01-26)

ok boomer

Well-Known Member
Hi folks,

in addtition to my thread I offer as of today:


Caterpie Friend

Sableeye Moon

Togepi Beast

Onyx Beast/Heavy

Corphish Level

Drillbur Moon

Lapras Heavy

Gothita Moon

Solosis Moon

Darumaka Beast

Coppel Fast

Ralts Beast

Skovet Moon,

Wolly dream

Farfetch Beast

Frillish Beast

Swirlix Dream

Honedge Beast

Sinistea Dream,

Morpeko Beast

Litwick beast

Ferroseed Beast

Cufant Moon

Looking for:

- Any Apri+Poke Combo preferably with HA I dont own yet

- Apricorn-, Dream-, Master and Beast Balls

- relevant Mints

Services I offer:

- Breeding 0 Attack/Speed IV Pokemons

- Put any EMs on my Pokes

- Breeding Service

Any pokemon with no listed EM/nautres/IV spread are pokemons I still need to obtain/also looking for.

It is basically a proxy

My IGN: ok boomer








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Are you looking specifically for the combination of HA and Apriball, or would offering just HA Pokemon be acceptable? There are a few things here I am interested in but I don't think any of my HA Pokemon are in special balls.

If just HA, what specifically are you looking for?


Silicobra, Wooper, Dewpider, Clobbopus, Hattena, Eevee, Applin, G Farfetch'd, Indeedee, G Corsola, Snom, Pinchurchin, Rookidee, Drilbur, Tyrogue, Charmander, Pichu, Hippopotas, G Zigzagoon, Vulpix, Corphish, Krabby, Minccino, Bunnelby, Gothita, Falinks, Passimian, Milcery, Ralts, Dreepy, Duraludon and Darumaka is my existing roster of HA Pokemon.

I realise there is some overlap with what you are offering already but I figured I'd give the exhaustive list just so I have it wrote down somewhere accessible.


Alright, would you like 2:1 since none of them are IV bred? I'd be more than happy with that.

I'm interested in Modest Sinistea, Adamant Eiscue with Belly Drum + Icicle Crash (I'd be willing to trade 3 HA for this due to the extra hassle) and Careful Inkay.


Active Member

I have some Pokemon which HA. They are Darumaka, Sizzlipede, Silicobra, Indeedee, Cuffant and Rookidee. If you are interested I would like a HA Farfetchd


Well-Known Member
Would you do HA Falinks for the Farfetch'd? Its not in a special ball though


hello, I have HA corsola in both a moon ball and a dream ball, and regular ponyta in a love ball.

I also can also breed mimikyu in a beast ball, HA mareanie in a net ball and HA hatenna in a repeat ball, if you give me a few minutes.

I am am willing to trade two of the above for sinistea and HA farfetch’d.
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ok boomer

Well-Known Member
hello, I have HA corsola in both a moon ball and a dream ball, and regular ponyta in a love ball.

I also can also breed mimikyu in a beast ball, HA mareanie in a net ball and HA hatenna in a repeat ball, if you give me a few minutes.

I am am willing to trade two of the above for sinistea and HA farfetch’d.

Hi, the only one of interest would be HA corsola in a dream ball. if the hatenna is IV bred decently (does not have to be perfect) i take that aswell.

Be aware that sinistea has no HA


still in a dream, skin eater
larvitar in beast ball for my clefairy in moon ball? nothing special about it, no ivs or HA. :(


~Apriball Collector~
Hi there! I have a HA applin in a level ball! I think i have some that are 4IV. If not i can breed one out for you. Ive also got a snom in a love ball with HA and eggmoves i can breed out. Ive also got a friend ball cottonee, eevee, and honedge. and a love ball eevee.

Interested in Sinistea, Farfetch'd, Eiscue, and Milcery.

Do i have anything you are interested in? I will have to hatch a few if you do as I only have Applin on hand atm. Let me know! :)


The hatenna is modest with almost perfect ivs:

Im only interested in the pokéball for the sinistea, so no HA is fine.


still in a dream, skin eater
I am sorry I think i mistook axim, which is in a beast ball for larvitar ^^'. but i am definetly interested
yeah axim is cool with me too! give me around 10 minutes to get a clefairy ready.