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Boraz the God Pokemon


Diagura Is The Best
Name: Boraz
Description: Boraz is the DarkGod of pokemon. It has been spotted in Mt.Moon. It is only seen in dark. If a light goes through it that portion of its body will dissapear. It has been a rumor that the remaining DNA of Mewtwo that wasn't mews was used to help bring it to life was Borazes own and that was why I gained such a dark heart.
- Pretty Sweet


pikachu is ma' homie
wow thats cool! i really like the monotone, and how you made the dark shadows! i like the one on the left espesially. you used parts from pokemon right? cuz you did a good job

Lugia Tamer

< Is friggin awesome
It's pretty cool, but I would like to see it in color. Unless of course the whole purpose of the sprite is to be a monotone.


guess whos back?
Try keeping all your sprites in 1 thread, theres no need to have more than 1.
Its good, and the monotone gives it a nice flare. though Some parts of its body are obviously from other pokemon, such as the wings and suicunes head. try to make these parts look a little less obvious, or try tp scratch new parts.
Also, the shading is off. when you put parts of other pokemon together, you also have to reshade it so it fits.


Diagura Is The Best
It's pretty cool, but I would like to see it in color. Unless of course the whole purpose of the sprite is to be a monotone.

READ THE DESCRIPTION PLEASE IT SAYS THAT IT CANNOT BE SEEN IN LIGHT and besides My first attemp at making boraz was his red color but that looked odd so i just Monotoned him.