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Boredom at it's finest...


Let me show you them

All of my Pokemon sprites. Except for one really horrible one I made with a Scizor when I was a spriting n00b. Credits for D-Man and Gridiron's rips, and, because ToTo says that the Elekible is his, credit to him, too. Oh, and anyone else who I missed. I used the D/P sprites that D-Man had in the rip thread. So if you ripped them, tell me! Shiny Rozureido must die! Outline came out horrible!

And all my trainer sprites. Credits for TR Rose (TRsRockin.com) on her "self-portrait" sprites. And her idea for "Accident in the Fossil Lab."


Staff member
Most of your mixes are very copy/paste-ish. Try reshading and re-outlining the parts that you add so that they flow better with the base sprite.

On your revamps/customs/edits with custom parts, your shading looks very flat. Make it rounder and more full-ish.

Also, credit Coronis for his 4th Gen sprites, too.


Well-Known Member
When you try and devamp, scratch it in the same style as what you want to devamp it to. Recoloring it in its style just doesn't look right in my opinion.

There are too many sprites for me to critique, so just pay attention to Chaos Emerald's post, and you'll get better.


The soul of the sea

All of my Pokemon sprites. Except for one really horrible one I made with a Scizor when I was a spriting n00b. Credits for D-Man and Gridiron's rips, and, because ToTo says that the Elekible is his, credit to him, too. Oh, and anyone else who I missed. I used the D/P sprites that D-Man had in the rip thread. So if you ripped them, tell me! Shiny Rozureido must die! Outline came out horrible!

And all my trainer sprites. Credits for TR Rose (TRsRockin.com) on her "self-portrait" sprites. And her idea for "Accident in the Fossil Lab."

eck. most of them are . . .eck. bad. Really, they need lots of work. The fossil cross real is good.


Let me show you them
Thanks for the crit. As much as I hate my work being called "eck", I appreciate the comments. Oh, and my stupid browser won't let me edit my posts on this forum, so I can't credit Coronis or anyone else except in this post. -_-' Sorry.