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Bout shinies

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Well-Known Member
How long will it take if i soft reset continuousely 15mins everyday to get a shiny? like to get 8194 (forgot).?


Furret rocks
It could take one day, it could take one mont, it could take one year, it could take an indefinate amout of time.

It's completely random.

Wild Cherry

Magma Commander
^ Tis true, even if you have soft resetted 8194 times, there is still the same chance of finding a shiny, nothing is for certain.


Well-Known Member
how long do you think it will take to get a shiny like soft reset 8194 times? (i think i will get it before that number)
im trying to get a treeko. so when i click the ball a picture of treeko pops up right? can i tell if its shiny by that pic?
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Wild Cherry

Magma Commander
No you can't you have to send it into battle, then see if its shiny.

I really don't know how long it will take, honestly I don't care, if your gonna reset that many times, why nt look for one with perfect IV's?

Optical Flash

Scramble Master
I was looking for a Shiny Mudkip on my ruby for 2 months, I had over 250,000 soft resets and I never found it. Its all up to luck, I can vouche for that, exspecially considering after that I restarted my Fire Red, got to Mt. Moon and caught a Shiny Zubat(Jolly Nature with perfect Speed and Attack IV's 0.0'). Such a strange world...

\\O.F Out//
how long do you think it will take to get a shiny like soft reset 8194 times? (i think i will get it before that number)
im trying to get a treeko. so when i click the ball a picture of treeko pops up right? can i tell if its shiny by that pic?

No one can tell you how long it will take because it is luck. you caould get it on your first go, or as the very unlucky Optical Flash said it could take thousands it wont always be 8192. (thats the right number).

And you will have to wait until the treeko is in battle not just the picture.

Maybe you should just enjoy your game insead of spending countless days/months soft resetting for something you dont know that you will even get. ;123;
^ i'm also very unlucky, i soft-reset over 1000 times and never got my shiny mudkip, i even think that i'll never get a shiny because i always want one


Well-Known Member
I have never even seen a shiny pokemon yet...


Natsu no Maboroshi
It's a matter of luck... It can take a couple of hours, or even a week. You have to keep trying...
Luck and nothing but luck, i know people who have done 3 resets and got a shiny, i know people, who have done over 3000 resets and they never got a shiny

Emerald 2006

Well-Known Member
I know I don't have that much patience, Sarukarisha. I soft restted about 20 to 30 times for a shiny Rayquaza (my fav pokemon.) till I gave up. And I want one like crazy. I actually do have one shiny, the most obvious one. Red Gyarados in the Lake of Rage, Gold. But that was then, I want one in the here and now! In my Emerald, my fav Pokemon game. Anyone (except for the lucky ones) would literally have a better chance of being struck by lightning
(1 in 6000 something, I think! I may be wrong.) than to find a shiny pokemon! *Sighs*
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Obsessive Beader/Mod
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