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Brandon/May in Trainer Eyes?


Well-Known Member
In Sapphire version will may/ brandon ever be in you rtrainers eyes? i know that in emerald she comes on match call.

Ace Hardlight

I want race car bed
no its there to be there


I'm ChunkyBob <RSPCT
where do you go to battle her in emerald on match call anyway? I thought you just battle her thrice and she doesn't ever get her 3rd evolution starter? (sorry if off topic)


Powerplay Champion
not that you'd want to...
those rival battles just aren't as challenging as the ones in prior pkmn games...


Well-Known Member
oh. But does brandon/may come in your trainer eyes even if you can't rematch them?


Well-Known Member
In Emerald i think they do


I'm Back
The rivals are pathetic in R/S/E. Go G/S/C Rival!


Good at Life.
The rival in RSE is pretty bad.

Just battle Wally and Steven instead.


I am the game
I think it sucks you cant see the 3rd evo


Pokemon World Champ
Yeah it does suck. But you do get Brendan/May in your Trainers Eyes.


The new tuxedo look!
So what? In R/S/E if you need to train just go to theday care route, It's full of trainers.


I'm ChunkyBob <RSPCT
hey can you battle steven more than once?


christian 4ever
only in your match call but no more battleling with them..which i wanted to see my rivals blaziken but you cant


Natsu no Maboroshi