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Brave The Wave! (296)

Space Skitty

Hoenn Champion
Yeah, you're right, Shiny May. Ash does get overconfident often. And he DID apoligize later so no harm done.

I felt sorry for Treecko during the battle. It tried so hard... That's what I like about Treecko; it never gives up! ^_^

Gryphon Turboclaw

As to Ash's behavior towards Brawly, it actually reminded me of the way Misty haraunged *Ash* about his training(especially way back in Kanto and OI). Suffice it to say, Misty would have been a drowned rat against Brawly(with Hariyama cleaning house on anything Machop somehow couldn't handle). Interestingly, Ash would make a similar error---judging an opponent on first impressions---against Flannery, but would recover enough from that mistake to pull out a win. Hmmm...


So hot he's on fire.
Yeah....Ash kinda has to stop jumping to conclusions like that. o_O

Paraphrasing what Max said at the end of the ep, he's a -GYM LEADER-. Obviously he knows what he's doing. XD


Ash was really worked up for a victory in the battle against Brawley.


So hot he's on fire.
Indeed. I would be too, but for a totally different reason....XD "OMG! TOUKI! YOU'RE SO HOT, I WANNA LICK YOOOOOOOU~"


i kinda figured that Ash would lose cause it atleast happended once in ever region.


I just loved it when Ash told his friends to shut up I gained some new respect for him.


This episode rocked! Don't know why i didn't write it up earlier. Brawly was a big plus. He was cute and calm at the same time. (Normally I don't fall for anime characters, but he was fine) I liked his personality which is another plus.

I found it funny how he didn't want to battle Ash at first. Hey like May said, you could have fun!

Don't ask me, but I loved Ash's reactment when he lost to Brawly. Though everyone thought he was immature. (Honey, you people have no idea what I see at times how people take over a loss!) I was surprised how his anger got over too him since he usually moans and feels that he can't do it.

I like a drama queen, I love drama, especially a case like this!

I give this episode 9.5 out 10.


So hot he's on fire.
Yeah but Brawly > Ash. True. :D

I wish Caden would have done more though. 'Stead of just judging. You know, be all 'COME ON BRAWLY LETS LIKE GO SURFING OR SOMETHING BRO.' ...or something along those lines, yo.

.......yo?! o____o *slaps the She-Caden she is becoming*


Team Awesome
It's funny how arrogant Ash got when the battle wasn't going his way. It was such a throwback to the old days. At least the group got to stick around Dewford for a while after this episode. I really loved a few of the episodes that came out of this arc (especially "A Hole Lotta Trouble"). Brawly's surfer dude vocabulary is a bit annoying after a while, but at least he's an awes... uh, great battler. ;)
I like him .
He is so cool .
He is a good trainer .
He is a good surfer and I loves his voice too .

Yami Bakura

<- 0wn3d! XD
I thought about this episode when i saw the rematch episode with Brawly. Somehow, this episode never made it here. Meaning i never got to see it :/
Just like how they did with the Orange League, the last part of Johto Champion Leauge and more than half of the Master Quest season. :O

And if this indeed is the episode in which you see May taking off her clothes to reveal a bikini, then that's probably the reason they refused to air it here. *coughstupidadults/producerswhodecidewhattoairandnottoairherecough* I wanted to see May in a bikini! ;o; >=(
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Cat and Snake lover
This was a good episode. Ash's behavior at the end was disappointing, and Brock's telling him he ought to forfeit reminded me of Brock's own battle with him at the very beginning when Onix was binding Pikachu. Funny how Ash hasn't learned to be level-headed after all this time. And I'd thought he'd changed. Darn.

Brawly was awesome. Sure, the surfer thing was stereotyped, but still, he was a fun character, and I think memorable, like Roxanne. He had a good lesson to teach Ash.

I don't think the battle was so good just because it's no fun to watch a fight where there's a clear winner. Still, it was satisfying to see Ash lose, just because he was so arrogant about his win against Roxanne. It's not as if she sucked, after all, so he had no right to be proud.

Anyway, before I really start ranting, I'd better close this. A great episode that I'm definitely keeping. Heck, I'd even buy it.

Edit: I understand what it is to love a character so much that you must defend him/her at all cost. I feel that way for several characters. There's one in each of my obsessions. It's Brock for this fandom and Snape for HP, to name a couple. To say it's just a character and not real is missing the point. A good character is supposed to be sympathetic or compelling enough in some way to care about them and what they go through. They ought to feel real. That's just my take.

Edit 2: I just realized that saying Roxanne didn't suck and then saying Ash had no right to be proud made no sense. :$ Darn it, my brain must have turned off. I'm not even quite sure what I meant. Maybe something more along the lines of Ash not being proud because that doesn't reflect well on him.
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So hot he's on fire.
grand master cyndaquil said:
I like him .
He is so cool .
He is a good trainer .
He is a good surfer and I loves his voice too .

.......mine :x *steal*

And I love that picture wtf.

Brawly. :3


Well-Known Member
Brawley is kool. Probably the best Hoenn gym leader. This epi rocked because of him
Brawley was cool in here, he had a good attitude, IMO, and he killed Ash in the battle


Ace Trainer
A loss is a loss. This episode is like all the other loss ones. This was probably the more harsher ones but it was just more boby moving than anything else. I liked how the rematch went it spiked alot of things up between both characters.

uber gon

Accept Change
Heh, I'm surprised that the writers would do something like May taking her clothes off IN FRONT of Ash and Co.


Well-Known Member
Quite a fun episode.A new reason why Ash couldn't battle a Gym Leader right away,battling,and Ash saying"SHUT UP!"all in one episode.And May taking off her clothes pretty much exposed(no pun intended)the fact that she's a retard and really stupid.