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Brave The Wave! (296)


Well-Known Member
It wouldn't be a new Pokemon series without Ash losing at least 1 gym battle. I really don't like Ash in this episode he's so instant that he have a battle with Brawly he really ruined this episode add to the fact that he's borderline obsessive with winning and using power moves that he doesn't listen to the advice of his friends. Brawly is one of my favorite gym leaders especially since he's not the norm like most gym leaders are and he's certainly not your normal fighting gym leader that we've seen in previous episodes of the series rallying on mostly fighting power moves. Lastly I gotta say I love May's new bikini it's my favorite of the ones they've had so far she looks very good in lime green.


Low on power...
Hariyama is such a powerhouse. In fact, it/he was one 2nd strongest pokemon in my Ruby version next to my Blazaken.

Brawly sure put Ash in his place, since Ketchum was too reckless and overconfident. If it weren't for Makuhita evolving, he might have stood a chance.


I love this new side of Ash, Max and May are to blame for pushing him in the previous ep, those kids are still learning consequences here. Good thing Brock bags all the experience around here.

"Are you challenging me, little man?"
Really, Ash bursting at the end was surprisingly built up.

Brawly is overdoing it, more characters should do this.

I'll just say this up front. Makuhita = obese asian kid
Didn't Jynx teach them enough? At least the Asian community can keep quiet.

I'm ashamed of you Brawly, you put a fat kid on a board and you don't expect any liability issues?!

More swim suits? Character design crew has fallen head over heels for May.

"You're the pokemon with the most endurace I've ever seen"!
Take that Charizard!

Well executed Cross Chop, Pounds, and that Seismic Toss. No contendor was too little in this battle, well done.

Ash going over the top instead of the usual over his head is among those top Ash moments in the series.

Treecko is fighting with the last inch of his gut and Makuhita has the nerve to evolve, hot damn this end is obliteration.

9/10 I could have called this a perfect score if TR was relevant and the gang didn't have uniform thoughts. Alot of early Advanced ideas really tried to break the mold.

Blue Snover

Cold as ice
This gym battle was a little dull, but it's not the worst one i've seen *coughErikacough*


Grass Pokemon Expert
I thought Ash was way too pushy when he was following Brawly around demanding a gym battle. Ash go extremely lucky that Brawly agreed to it. I thought that May's new bikini was here cutest yet. :) I thought Ash made a good choice by battling with Taillow. However, Machop had amazing endurance. I did think however that Machop could have been used just a little bit more offensively. It didn't even try to attack Treecko. I thought Treecko battled really hard. It was just no match for Makuhita though. Then, Makuhita evolves into Hariyama just in time for the finishing blow. I don't know what Ash was thinking when he kept ignoring Brock from the sidelines. I did think it was very disrespectful when he snapped at May, Brock, and Max after the battle. Atleast he learned some valuable advice from Brawly about pokemon training.


I think this was one of my favorites episodes in the show.
Ash lost only becasue he relied on force, Brawly on brain.
because of it, Ash was angree on Brock, and shouted on him, it was awful.
And it was cool to see Brawly surfing the waves at the sea.
Brawly is cool.

Ash just ignore any information about stratergy. And he's being ignerent to Brock May and Max! He has attitude! :eek: (What D:ck head >:[)


Let's go to the beach, each.
About time we get to Dewford island. It looks like Hawaii with the beaches and surfing dudes.

It was great to see Ash taken down a peg. He was really overconfident and that lead to his demise. Anyway, I dislike that we needed a whole Dewford arc just so Ash could train his team.

Rarely do we get a fun episode. 7/10 because of Brawly and Makuhita.


Well-Known Member
Ash really p****ed me off in this episode. He acts like a real baby at times and this episode is no exception. Ash needs to realise that gym battles don't come to him served on a plate and that gym leaders have a life too especially since he has been a trainer for long enough so it was funny to see Brawly rejecting him. His outburst at the end was uncalled for and he deserved to lose with his poor strategy.
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Man of Mystery
Ash battled terribly against Brawly, and Makuhita evolving just made it worse. This episode really reminded me of the old Ash where he didn't give a damn about strategy and just attacked. But overall, this episode was OK, not too bad.


Shiny Flygon
It's a rare event to see Ash losing a gym battle IN a gym. If anything the last time was against Whitney.

He should have used Pikachu instead of Treecko, Treacko wasn't ready in the same time.

Although Ash lost at least he apologized and started to practice, well done!


Ace Trainer
Ash really p****ed me off in this episode. He acts like a real baby at times and this episode is no exception. Ash needs to realise that gym battles don't come to him served on a plate and that gym leaders have a life too especially since he has been a trainer for long enough so it was funny to see Brawly rejecting him. His outburst at the end was uncalled for and he deserved to lose with his poor strategy.

I wouldn't call it like that. Ash's firends like to stop and fool around when Ash tries to look for the gym that's in town. So then Brawly shows up but he's fooling around too. So Ash gets mad and yet unpatient. But his friends didn't have to tell Ash that he was wrong for what he did, he already knew from the expression on his face. Because to be honest having his friends yelling crap in the back of him all the time is annoying. I'm surprised that Ash was even able to stand it for all these years. This is why I enjoyed Iris. She stood up far away and let Ash do his thing. Just ask if he wants advice, then give it to him, if he doesn't want it then shut up.
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No longer posting
This episode was ok... It was cool seeing Makuhita for the 1st time. Ash really did bad in this 1st attempt at his 2nd gym battle. Tailow didn't do well and was knocked out easily by Machop. Treecko easily went down as well. It was cool to see Makuhita evolve into a Haryama. Ash's attitude throughout the episode and after the battle was very childish. I'm glad he appologized afterwards though.



Well-Known Member
I didn't enjoy this episode as much. Ash was acting like a baby throughout the episode. Brawly was cool. Makuhita was cool too. Disappointed that Ash's Tailow got beaten by Machop despite the type advantage Ash had. I was even more disappointed when Treecko lost badly too since he did in the last gym too. Seeing Makuhita evolve into Haryama was really cool to see.

Bulba the Great!

We Do Not Sow
I thought it was interesting that the battle basically became a fighting free-for-all - Ash's Pokemon at this point, besides the big P, had no special moves. It really was all fists (and wings and tails).

I actually really loved the gym battle, because of the interactions. Ash went temporarily mad, and his friends sensed that. I like that they weren't blindly supportive - they knew this wasn't Ash's time and were just doing everything in their power to help him.

Treecko shone in this episode for his perseverance. Really, one of the best developed personalities in Pokemon.