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Brave The Wave! (296)

Mrs. Oreo

Kimori was still really good though, although if he had evolved too he might've won.

I think that even if Treecko had evolved here, it wouldn't have changed much cuz Ash had to lose against Brawly somehow. I'm just kind of surprised that Ash didn't use Pikachu given that he was stronger.


Meowth fanatic
I think that even if Treecko had evolved here, it wouldn't have changed much cuz Ash had to lose against Brawly somehow. I'm just kind of surprised that Ash didn't use Pikachu given that he was stronger.

Lol, Pikachu didn't need to hog another Gym since he did that in the Rustboro Gym. I'm glad Ash used his head and went with Taillow because of it's type advantage.


I liked the episode. Ash really should have thought about having a strategy. The evolution didn't help his cause either. Ash was waay over-confident

Satoshi definitely seemed foolhardy when he challenged Touki with no solid plan. It was the opposite of how he acted when he faced off against Tsutsuji, which showed his own growing arrogance.


I call you honey
Brawly was a cool character. I loved Ash's reaction when he lost to Brawly although everyone thought he was immature. He shouldn't have yelled at May, Max, & Brock.


I now wonder why Satoshi didn't use his Pikachu against Touki here given Pikachu's experience, which should've made him far more useful than Kimori.
Ash was being a d*ck for most of the episode, which is why he lost. He eventually learns from this and wants to train on Dewford, which is nice.
I love Brawly's surfer voice.