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breeding DD/EQ/SE larvitars


New Member
am breeding dragon dance, earthquake, and stone edge larvitars. (all 3 on 1)
i am breeding them with an adamant ditto holding an everstone. i think the ditto has decent IVS but not sure how to check.

so far i have :
3 adamant (all F)
1 naughty(F)
bashful (F)
modest (F)
serious (M)

good natures like adamant and naughty will cost more than bad ones like modest.

anyway im not looking for much. any non sinnoh pokes or, good egg move pokes. some specific pokes id like : mareep, zizagoon with pickup, trapinch,

and some items like master balls rare candies, electrizer/magmatizer

anyway not hard to deal with so shoot away with offers

FC 1761 9406 9262
name Dylan
version Pearl
email hovercrafteels@hotmail.com
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God of Thunder
Would you trade an Adamant one for a Magmarizer? If I can, I'll try finding a Mareep, as well.


New Member
do yuo have a magby with it? or an electrizer? cause i already have elekid.

if not we can work somethng out


Well-Known Member
(forums acting up for me)

I have a big list of stuff. Things you may be interested in are the non-shinoh, as for egg moves, bunnery w all 3 elemental punches + sky uppercut (lopunny is ground/human shape :)) and arons with dragon rush


God of Thunder
Oh crap, sorry about the delay. I haen't been able to get Serebii to work for me. xD I'll be there ASAP.


New Member
leafblade/ arande you still interested?

bump have:
3 adamant

but im gone for the night. PM if youre interested ill check it tomorow