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breeding evee eggs

lucario the great2

Well-Known Member
is that a smart thing to do????????


Well-Known Member
Yeah make sure they have natures to match their eeveelutions k.
I would use


Well-Known Member
especially if they turn out shiny=D


Gen 6 = <3
Breeding is the best way because you can get the right natures, multiple eevee's, a chance of good-perfect IVs and have a chance at a shiny eevee. so yes it is a good way.


Blaziken rules!
I do that.

I do that too. To get all Eevee evolutions, I breed too.
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Well-Known Member
Try getting a Shiny one, Shiny Umbreon = God

Go for it man ^_^


ThE FalLeN AnGeL
you really should, ive got loads of eevee's :D it can only b a gud thing, n like ppl say u can get all the eeveelutions that way

Emerald Metagross

Well-Known Member
Of course it's a smart thing to do! That way you can get all the eeveelutions, get different natures, perfect IV's or even aiming for a shiny!
Do it! NOW!


Well-Known Member
I'm planning on doing it, although no trade=no Espeon/Umbreon. That's ok, since I don't like Umbreons that much. But what's the likelihood that you get a Shiny through Eggs? (not being pessimistic, I truly would like to know)

Emerald Metagross

Well-Known Member
The same as a wild pokémon: 1/8192 chace to be a shiny.


Well-Known Member
yea but if you carry a slugma and have 5 slots open things will go faster