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breeding help


hey guys i need help on how to get a male torchic, i got female blaziken and a ditto but they wont work!!! help plz
and what nature would be the best for a torchic?
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um, and stuff
They will but you'll need to fight a few trainers, walk around a bit and they will eventually breed


You don't have to use a Ditto if you have a female Blaziken....

Any male Pokemon in Group 7: Ground (scroll down to it) will produce a Torchic when bred with your female Blaziken.


ty guys i got like 14 torchics now and that man gives eggs out every 5 mins lol


Onions? Where??
waiting for a good one?


;255; yea im looking for a good natured and stats 1 so i can train it to be a good blaziken got an idea which nature?;255;
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Active Member
Adamant.... maybe Jolly.

Blazikens are usually used as Physical Attackers and the only Special Attk. they use is usually either Flamethrower-Fire Blast or Overheat, since their Attack is better than their Special. Of course, it's In Game, unless you plan to fight your buds.


Well-Known Member
If your looking for a good fire starter, go for charizard. Better in every way.

lol, you have a blaziken on your trainer card.

Charizard is great, but Blaziken has better attack; brick break is always useful. Also blaziken makes an awesome endure/reversaler if you have access to salac berry.



which is best nature???


Active Member
I accidentally got a torchic when i put my absol and my blaziken in the daycare. I named it pepper and when it hatched it knew growl,scratch,cut and slash.


Active Member
I accidentally got a torchic when i put my absol and my blaziken in the daycare. I named it pepper and when it hatched it knew growl,scratch,cut and slash.


Well-Known Member
Docile won`t do anything as it raises and lowers the same stat, so its useless, just go with adamant like everyone else, but keep something like fire blast to get rid of Skarmories

Wild Cherry

Magma Commander
Being me I'd say Modest. But adamant is good too.

Giving a try at patience perhaps? I know I use it when I want eggs.

but keep something like fire blast to get rid of Skarmories

Don't use Fire Blast, use Flamethrower.