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Breeding Help

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Seeing as Charizard wont breed with Ditto on Firered, what will breed with Charizard to make an egg?


Obsessive Beader/Mod
There's an entire sticky on breeding, and if you happened to check the last few posts in it, you'd see this one from me:

TRJessie579 said:
Ditto can breed with ANY AND EVERY POKEMON unless they are in the No Eggs group. Period. Here's a list of the Pokemon that can't breed at all:


Ditto can breed with males, females, genderless. If the man at the Daycare says that your Ditto and Hitmonchan (Charizard, in your case) "don't seem to like each other," this means that they WILL breed. It just may take longer.

The ONLY time two Pokemon won't breed, if they are incompatible, is when the old man says "they prefer to play with other Pokemon."

There you go. Further breeding questions go in the sticky next time, please. :)

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