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breeding legendaries

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christian 4ever
i dont know if this is the wrong section but.......

how do you breed legendaries...............i now you cant but how did they got their eggs steps to hatch if they are unbreadable


Shadow Amongst Light
but why do they have egg steps...............i check the serebii.net pokedex and it said 30,000 steps

That information was extracted straight from the game data.
The reason they have that data is if they didn't.... the game would have a hole in its data.... there is no way to breed legendaries... this information was just put into the game so that the game wouldn't have error holes in it.


They have the egg steps for just what DarkSpectrum said. even though they have egg data doesn't mean you can get them, they just needed to put something there. Of course people could hack the eggs and then hatch 'em...
yes they are breed able thats y so many people have so many non cloned legendarys X_X

of course they cant breed!


I am the game
he is askingwhy there is steps for eggs he knows they cant breed.


Well-Known Member
u cant breed lengendarys but i think since breeding steps maybe go in some sort of formula they just put it their if they really couldbreed them to show how long it takes


Powerplay Champion
on top of the fact that they can't breed, if you use a cheat device to try to get an egg that has a legendary in it, you'll get a "bad egg" a way to keep you from having an egg with a legendary in it.


oblivion weilder
and about the gender thing latias and latios have genders even thought they cant breed that proves a point and i swear metagross can breed? and i no lunatone can
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