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Breeding question!

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Waves Shaker
Hi,I've got some troubles with breeding.
My goal is to get an Hoppip with Psich Up and Encore. But how can I get it?
I've done some chain breeding plan:
Round one:
Female: Skitty
Male: Spoink [with Psich up]
Round two
Female: Hoppip
Male: Skitty [with Psich up]
Round three
Female: Hoppip [with Psich up]
Male: Plusle [with Encore]

It it right?Thanks


Shadow Amongst Light
Hi,I've got some troubles with breeding.
My goal is to get an Hoppip with Psich Up and Encore. But how can I get it?
I've done some chain breeding plan:
Round one:
Female: Skitty
Male: Spoink [with Psich up]
Round two
Female: Hoppip
Male: Skitty [with Psich up]
Round three
Female: Hoppip [with Psich up]
Male: Plusle [with Encore]

It it right?Thanks

Only Males pass down egg moves. so no that won't work... the only way to get it to work is to use a move tutor.
take a male togetic or clefairy that knows Encore and teach it psych up by move tutor. Then breed directly with a female hopip.
Next time please post in the breeding sticky: http://www.serebiiforums.com/showthread.php?t=92338
You usually get faster answers and more accurate ones there.

Psych up is an emerald battle frontier tutor move for 48 BP
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Vegetable of Doom!
Actually, you don't need a Move Tutor. Instead, you can use this chain:

Psyduck/Espeon/Spoink/Spinda (Psych Up) -> Skitty (Psych Up) -> Togetic (Psych Up, Encore) -> Hoppip (Psych Up, Encore)


Obsessive Beader/Mod
Please post in the Breeding sticky DarkSpectrum gave you the link to next time, it's the official thread for all Breeding-related questions. :)

-Answered, closed
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