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Breeding- Reversal


PokéMaverick Hunter
I'm trying to breed a Rattata that knows Reversal, but I have no idea how to get the move over to that group. Can I do it, or must I use Smeargle? And if I have to use Smeargle, how would I get it onto him?


It's Smeargle.

Sketch would be the way. Try to sketch Heracross, Hitmonlee or Kangaskhan at fairly high levels (Heracross: over Lv41, Hitmonlee: over Lv51, Kangaskhan: over Lv49). Those three know Reversal naturally.


PokéMaverick Hunter
Well, yes, but I don't think those levels come naturally in the wild... Does the Heracross that Carrie (Mystery Gift w/Stadium 2) have know it?


By default, yes, since that Heracross is at Lv50 and it learns Reversal at Lv41. Try to get it to use reversal.