You'll have to breed those moves onto a Pokemon which has them as an egg move. I'd like to start writing up a FAQ for what Pokemon can gain the moves.
EDIT: Bad news, kids. 50% of the Shadow Pokemon you purify in the game can't pass on their special moves, because their egg groups have no Pokemon which can learn them. Here are the Pokemon which can't pass on their special moves. (I won't include the genderless Pokemon like Baltoy.)
Refresh: Teddiursa, Ledyba, Seedot, Spinarak, Carvanha, Makuhita, Pineco, Zangoose, Paras, Venomoth, Arbok, Raticate, Magcargo, Hitmonlee, Manectric, Tauros, Exeggutor
Heal Bell: Altaria, Lapras, Dragonite
Sing: Gulpin, Ralts, Meowth, Kangaskhan, Marowak
Helping Hand: Duskull, Grimer, Nosepass, Banette, Poliwrath
Baton Pass: Natu, Spearow, Dodrio, Farfetch'd, Swellow
Morning Sun: All of the Pokemon which get it(because Morning Sun can only be learned by Espeon and Beautifly, and you can't breed them onto their unevolved forms)
Follow Me: All of the Pokemon which get it(because only three Pokemon can learn it, and none of them are in the Humanshape group which the Pokemon that get it as a special move are in)