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Breeding the XD moves onto GBA pokemon


little punks!
we all know that you only get one shot at the pokemon stats in xd ( unless you reset which requires alot of work) So can you breed ANY of the exclusive moves from XD?


Nope, I tried, it really doesn't work.

Seems that the moves are just set to be for ONE pokemon, not there offspring. My Marowak's Sing didn't breed to the Cubone


Well-Known Member
Actually, there are a few exceptions.

Breed Helping Hand Hitmonchan with Ditto to get a Helping Hand Tyrogue, which you can then evolve into any of the Hitmons.

Breed a male Razor Wind Scyther from XD with a female Scyther or Ditto to get another Razor Wind Scyther. This isn't really the special move it's more of a bonus egg move, anyway it's not available without XD.


Master Breeder
RoboRaph forgot Heat Wave on slugma, which is another XD move that's also an egg move.

and Razor Wind scyther is the only way to get a baby gligar or scyther with RW.

C.J. Ray

I wanted Shaymin! :(
You'll have to breed those moves onto a Pokemon which has them as an egg move. I'd like to start writing up a FAQ for what Pokemon can gain the moves.

EDIT: Bad news, kids. 50% of the Shadow Pokemon you purify in the game can't pass on their special moves, because their egg groups have no Pokemon which can learn them. Here are the Pokemon which can't pass on their special moves. (I won't include the genderless Pokemon like Baltoy.)

Refresh: Teddiursa, Ledyba, Seedot, Spinarak, Carvanha, Makuhita, Pineco, Zangoose, Paras, Venomoth, Arbok, Raticate, Magcargo, Hitmonlee, Manectric, Tauros, Exeggutor

Heal Bell: Altaria, Lapras, Dragonite

Sing: Gulpin, Ralts, Meowth, Kangaskhan, Marowak

Helping Hand: Duskull, Grimer, Nosepass, Banette, Poliwrath

Baton Pass: Natu, Spearow, Dodrio, Farfetch'd, Swellow

Morning Sun: All of the Pokemon which get it(because Morning Sun can only be learned by Espeon and Beautifly, and you can't breed them onto their unevolved forms)

Follow Me: All of the Pokemon which get it(because only three Pokemon can learn it, and none of them are in the Humanshape group which the Pokemon that get it as a special move are in)
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Well-Known Member
Found 2 more, I think we have all of them now. Go ahead and use this data in a FAQ if you like. Here they are:

Shellder can learn Take Down by breeding with XD Take Down Shellder.

Snorlax can learn Fissure by breeding with XD Fissure Snorlax.