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Boulder Trainer
ok.i left 2 arodactals in their friend areas.and 4 pokemon days later i decided it take my onix for some training.so i checked the list and i saw 6 arodactals there instead if 2!it also happened when i put 2 snezals(dunno how to spell it)in their friend area and after 1 pokemon day i checked in them and there were 3!and details?


World domination!
Impossible i have on quite a few friend area's multiple pokémon of the same species (Not like Dusclops+ Duskull but Duskull+ Duskull) And i NEVER EVER ecountered something like that you must be either lieing or you didn't recall correctly. (P.S. They are there over about pokemon 5000 days) You could also have a glitch which i highly doubt.


Team In Flames
I doubt that. That hasn't happened to me and would be annoying otherwise.