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Brendan and May

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Earth Trainer
On Emerald when is the last time you battle Brendan and may and if it is possible can you re-battle them. Also in Emerald do their starters reach their third evolution.


Good Night!
The last time is I think in Lilycove City and I don't think it reaches its third evolution. I don't think you can rebattle them cuz he/she go back and help professor birch.

Flying Tropius

I know that stinks in GSC at least rival comes every mondy wednsday and friday!!!!


Hoenn Champion
It would be great if you could battle them in Littleroot every so often, but alas, you cannot. Well seriously, you cant rebattle them after lilycove, and I may never get that third evolution im my pokedex, unless someone else has it.


why doesnt there starter ever reach its final evolution?


TC expert
KirbyXD said:
The last time is I think in Lilycove City and I don't think it reaches its third evolution. I don't think you can rebattle them cuz he/she go back and help professor birch.
your right thats what happens


TC expert
jono_boi said:
ohh Happy Birthday 4 tommorow rod
thanks, and by the way it doesn't reach it's evolution level wich is why you van' get the third evolution XD DUH!!!!!!!!!!!

Tropical Spirit

YAY! Original>You =3
This thread makes my brain hurt.
But NO, you CAN'T re-battle them and you will never get that 3rd evolution in your pokedex unless you trade the pokemon.


well u can see may or brandon again in prof. birch's lab after u get the national dex. (s)he says "have you been to that place, the battle frontier?".
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