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Brendan On Crazy Adventures

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Comic Trainer!
Hello and welcome to Brendans Crazy adventures.
I'm afraid I have to say that this comic is dead. Not because lack of intrest but I've got to work on my other comics instead. Hope you'll understand.
Thank you to all it's readers through it's period. Thanks and good bye.


Part 01! The Adventures That Is No Adventure!
Act 001
Act 002
Act 003
Act 004
Act 005
Act 006
Act 007
Act 008
Act 009
Act 010
Act 011
Act 012
Act 013
Act 014
Act 015
Act 016
Act 017
Act 018

Part 02! Wierd Things In Petalburg!
Act 019
Act 020
Act 021
Act 022
Act 023
Act 024
Act 025
Act 026
Act 027
Act 028
Act 029
Act 030

Part 3! May's Feelings. Love?
Act 031
Act 032
Act 033
Act 034
Act 035
Act 036
Act 037
Act 038
Act 039
Act 040
Act 041

Part 4! Brendan Goes Rustboro!

Act 042
Act 043
Act 044
Act 045
Act 046

The Side Show:
Act 001
Act 002
Fan Stuff is accepted but I don't think I'll ever get some. :p
Fan Stuff:
Trainer Cards! Updated!
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English Avatarman

Hillarious, I can't wait for the next few acts.

Can I help you witth the comic at all?


Comic Trainer!
Thank you! :)
Well, you can give some tips of Ides that might happend in the future or what kind of Pokémon Brendan/May should have...

English Avatarman

Mutanton_91 said:
Thank you! :)
Well, you can give some tips of Ides that might happend in the future or what kind of Pokémon Brendan/May should have...
Should I PM you my ideas


Comic Trainer!
yeah... if it's okey with you...


I like it. The only thing that I can find wrong are the occasional spelling errors. Please make more.


Yay! Pit!
XD now there Brendan is (maybe) as stupid as Ash (sorry for Ashaholics) or maybe even more


Comic Trainer!

Huh? Someone is reading them?? This is strange... I didn't thought anyone read this... :S Okay, then. The next few Acts will be up today or tomorrow.


So close, yet so far
Ha-ha....this comic is like the first one I've ever read...and its very funny too. Brendan seems to have a liking towards May, the girl who called him Sicko. XD This very funny and quite amusing. Please make some more.


Comic Trainer!
4 New Acts!!!

OKey, I can't belive everyone suddently begins to comment this... But it's great. :)
Okey, I've decided to, Instead of just showing them. I'll link them.
So the next few act is in the first post and here:
Act 011
Act 012
Act 013
Act 014
Soo, what do you think?? And does it work?


Battle Pyramid Champion
Uhh, whats (L)? And getting a team of 6 Taillow sounds fun :p


Comic Trainer!
Okey... to bad you didn't like it... :( And (L) means Love! Like: "Oh! How Cute! (L)"


those are funny XD It's very entertaining.
I don't quite like having the picture above and the talking below though. I'm just used to speech bubbles ^^;

you can press alt and 3 and get a heart if you wanted to. ♥


This comic is very good. It's just i didn't think Brendan would be THAT STUPID!!! I mean I think my best friend Kyle lost his brain but Brendan is even worse!!! I'm not dissing your comic I'm gust saying about Brendan

Keep up the good work

;386; Travis M.


Comic Trainer!
The whole point with this comic is that Brendan is really...odd.... :p
But he will get smarter and everyone else will get even more stupid. :D
OKey, I'm thinking about making this comic with speach bubbles...
I will start making them right away and put them up on the main page when they are done.
Here's the prolog with speach bubbles:


And about the (L) thing and alt + 3 thing... it's more real if it's (L), like... it's feel more original so I'm going to keep that... sorry.
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Comic Trainer!
Okey, no reply's yet... anyway, here's the next five acts... and now the first part is done and the next begins. (YAY!) :D

Brendan and May's adventure finally begins in Part two and they are finally starting to move forward thier goals to become Pokémon masters. :p
Okey, here they are: (Will also be in the main reply)

Act 015
Act 016
Act 017
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