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brightpowder and scope lens?

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How much does brightpowder reduce the opponent's accuracy and scope lens increase your critical hit rate?


Back I guess??
I think that bright powder lowers opponent acc. by 30% and scope lens increases CHR by 12.5%


Jolteon ^..^ said:
I think that bright powder lowers opponent acc. by 30% and scope lens increases CHR by 12.5%
Well, when you say 30% reduced, what does that exactly specify? Also, what is the original CHR?


Back I guess??
reduces 30% Acc. ; the attack has 99% Acc. then the new accuracy is 69%.

*EDIT* I found the true list:
No CH boosts: 6.5%
1 CH boost: 12.5%
2 CH boosts: 25%
3 CH boosts: 50%

These boosts can be from a move with a high CH ratio, Focus Energy, and/or Scope Lens.
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So this means brightpowder is a lot better than lax incense?

DJ Panic!

2112 said:
yes they are
Actually Umm....No!
There are for different reasons too like,
Lax Incence:An item to be held by a Pokemon.
It's tricky Aroma slighty reduces the foe's accuracy.(FR&LG)
Sea Incense:An item to be hald by a Pokemon.
It slightly boosts the power of Water-type moves.(FR&LG)
Lax Incense:A hold item that slightly lowers the foe's accuracy(E/R/S)
Sea Incense:A Hold item that slightly boosts Water-type moves.(E/R/S)

They are for breeding purposes too but,there not Just for Breeding.


Well-Known Member
Sea Insense has a secondary effect of powering up water type moves
Lax Insense has a secondary effect of lowering the opponents accuracy.

Just like Kings Rock and Metal Coat, these items not only help expand your Pokedex but they also have an effect when attatched during battle.

Edit: Rats, someone beat me to it.


You're Illegal
Huh? My egg hatched!.................NOT!!!

Jolteon ^..^ said:
I think that bright powder lowers opponent acc. by 30% and scope lens increases CHR by 12.5%
Huh? Ithought they were more than that! And no, lax and seas inceance are not just for breading, as Dunsparce said:
Lax=Lower foe's accuracy!
sea=Poweres up water type moves!
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Back I guess??
I mean, just for breeding, because there are better items instead of the incenses...
brightpowder > lax incense
anything for holding > water incense.

I already knew about the secondary effect because they are written in the item description.

EDIT: or the primary, I don´t know how you call them, but I call the breeding effect as primary
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Well, let's not get off topic. anyway, since my question's answered, mods, you can close this.
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