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bringing them back?


Hilo Thar!
despite what u think this is not another "should they remake gold/silver thread" (god knows we need another one of those)

this is a thread about how they should have you revisit the johto region and maybe have the same starters. that is not the same as remaking gold/silver and heres how... this should take place a few years after you beat red in mt silver the region will be the same but some of the physical features will change. same gyms same challenges different paths to take.

this thread is also about the remake of the yellow-esc style in the way that you have a pre-set starter like pikachu but not pikachu. something else. and u can respond by stating the name of the version and what the pre set starter will be.

for some reason i am thinking...

pokemon white... the mascot is... ;175;


Furret rocks
Maybe they should just update the graphics, and leave everything as it was. It was near enough perfect then.


Except that crap version of Kanto that was in the game, at the expense of wasting precious data that could have been used to increase the Johto quest.

Also, the Pokemon distribution was really wacky in G/S/C.

-Penis Sucker-


Well-Known Member
A few days ago, I was actually pondering something along the same line. See, if they made remakes of RBY in the third generation, aren't you curious as to if they might make resurrections of GSC alongside the fourth generation? There are certainly a few things pointing to it, such as the "Red Gyarados" talk in DP, and many quotes from trainers and other characters in DP referring to GSC.

Personally, I'd love a remake, seeing as I'm so interested in my Gold version right now.


The new tuxedo look!
I'm pretty much Ok with any new game that GF makes.

What really would be awesome would be a 3d johto remake for the wii.