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Brock actually doing something


The prey bites back!
i think brock should do something with his quest to become the worlds best breeder maybe his rival could be james or something. anyone else have an idea


King of pirates
brock needs more battleing exispereience and he needs a rival.sorry if i spelled something wrong.


King of pirates
breeding i dot know but he needs to battle more.


King of pirates
not funny greggle realy needs to battle more he has some killer moves.


King of pirates
im not talking about breeding.


Yeah, ok!
I think it's sad the way people constantly try to put Brock on the same page as Ash and Hikari.

Ash and Hikari are the heroes of the D/P saga, Brock is just their tag along sidekick. There's a reason why Ash and Hikari get the storylines and the Pokemon, Brock is just there so they don't travel alone.

Brock will NEVER get a sidequest as important as Gyms or Contests, ever. Not only because nothing exists in the games for him to do, but because he's not an important character.


King of pirates
brock is like a mentor to ash and hikari when they battle.


King of pirates
i didnt pay attention after johto