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Brock Mysteries solved!


Scuffle of Legends
Ever sinve we knew Brock was coming back to Shinou, everyone was wondering these 2 questions:

1)Which old Pokemon did Brock bring with him?
2)Now that Maxx is gone, who will pull Brock's ear?

And now we have answers
1)Brock only brought his Bonsly. (i was personally hoping for steelix)
2)No one! WHen Brock flirts his Gregguru comes out of its pokeball and drags him away!

I don't remember how many threads were made on these topics, i lost count!


The Anticool
Ever sinve we knew Brock was coming back to Shinou, everyone was wondering these 2 questions:

1)Which old Pokemon did Brock bring with him?
2)Now that Maxx is gone, who will pull Brock's ear?

And now we have answers
1)Brock only brought his Bonsly. (i was personally hoping for steelix)
2)No one! WHen Brock flirts his Gregguru comes out of its pokeball and drags him away!

I don't remember how many threads were made on these topics, i lost count!

I thought that was really original! Ever since Brock started to travel with Ash, he seems to have strayed further and further from his rock- type lovig roots...


Feraligatr Master
A- Gregguru uses Poison Barb, Bonsly uses Take Down, both of them can pull Brock away.
B- The Steelix thing was a simple dream...Bonsly and maybe Marshtomp were the only options, and given that Marshtomp would´ve been second to Pikachu in Power would´ve meant that Brock could actually fight...and we all know that ain t happening.


Well-Known Member
Meh. Brocks not gonna be doing anything soon so i dunno why he got such a kool pokemon

Korobooshi Kojiro

Why did you make a thread for this?

And we don't know if Greggle (who uses Poison Stab irc) will be a running joke for too long....

But, Greggle took down a Scizor, so it is probably fairly powerful.


Yeah, ok!
People honestly thought Brock would take an old Pokemon from the Gym?

LMAO! I knew Foretress and Marshtompt were as good as gone once May left, and only a fool would expect some random old Pokemon on the Gym back on his team.


Contaminated KFC
And we don't know if Greggle (who uses Poison Stab irc) will be a running joke for too long....
About that; I personally think it would be more amusing a gag if Greggle were to poison the object of Brock's affection, rather than Brock himself.

But yeah. Either way, I'd be surprised if such a gag lived for more than 10 episodes.

Cubercubed said:
LMAO! I knew Foretress and Marshtompt were as good as gone once May left, and only a fool would expect some random old Pokemon on the Gym back on his team.
I don't know about that. The guy took Forretress with him to Houen afterall, so I think Marshtomp, a pokémon who still had room for development (and by development, I mean evolution), still had a decent enough chance of returning.

Of course, if we're talking about the people who still insisted he may have taken one of those guys, despite the 4th episode and the opening proved otherwise, then yeah...I agree.

And dammit Cyber! It's Marshtomp! Marshtomp!


Yeah, ok!
I don't know about that. The guy took Forretress with him to Houen afterall,

Sure, but that was because he needed to come along with at least one Pokemon. This time he already had a Pokemon from the current gen, (Bonsly), so it was fairly easy to guess that was all he would take with him.

Not to mention Marshtompt being there when neither Sceptile or Blaziken were on the group would be very awkward.

so I think Marshtomp, a pokémon who still had room for development (and by development, I mean evolution), still had a decent enough chance of returning.

I wouldn't be at all surprised if it evolves back at the Gym, just like what happened with Onix. Brock will probably return to Pewter and see this giant Swampert giving him a bear hug, preferably crushing him in the process so he can't travel with Ash anymore.


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't be at all surprised if it evolves back at the Gym, just like what happened with Onix. Brock will probably return to Pewter and see this giant Swampert giving him a bear hug, preferably crushing him in the process so he can't travel with Ash anymore.

Brock mother is a water trainer, so it'd be an idea for him to return and see that she's "adopted" his newly-evolved marshtomp as her own.


Is Back Finally!
^^^ i really hope that his frog evolves... it will own man

Korobooshi Kojiro

Of course, if we're talking about the people who still insisted he may have taken one of those guys, despite the 4th episode and the opening proved otherwise Marshtomp! Marshtomp!

So? I mean, it's not like we ever saw Forretress enough to tell if Brock had him, or lost him in the woods.


Is Back Finally!
i hope it evolves in like a cool battle tho...

and it would own...


Feraligatr Master
Dokuroggu seems kickass enough.
So my bet is it wont evolve anytime soon, later on in the third part of this gen maybe.


Greggle>>>>>> his evo.

I personally like its evolution more. It reminds me of Space Pirates from old Metroid games, for some reason. *shrug*

I personally hope that there is a long running gag involving Greggle/it's evolution poisoning random people that Brock has his eyes on (as Gravy mentioned).

Anyone but me find it funny that after Gravy clearly told CyberCubed how to spell Marshtomp's name, he still spelled it incorrectly? Cyber had to have seen Gravy's comment, as he quoted from the post. Oh Cyber. You never fail to amuse. 8)

-Penis Sucker-


Is Back Finally!
meh i still hope we get to see marshtomp, loudicolo, steelix and crobat... could care less about the others


Feraligatr Master
^lol @ the others being Geodude Forretress....

Poor things...Brock should be focused on Dark and Ghost Pokemons this season...just to spice things up...
They should give him all the things we thought for Jessie like Greggle and left Jessie with Seviper and Wobbuffet criying in the shadow of evil Takeshi lol