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Broken Waffles ^_____^

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...no Naku Koro ni
Broken Waffles~Feat. Maruchan Instant Rescue Team ^_^v

"Broken Waffles"

Welcome to my first comic! ^_^

Type: Hand-Drawn/Color
Genre: Absurdist fiction(?), Comedy, Adventure
Warning: Blood/Violence/Pseudo-nudity o_O
Story: A naive mew/human hybrid named Rune journeys through the
world of Pokemon. Along with her melancholy companion Fate, they seek answers
about their pasts and must stop Team Rocket from doing their .. evil @_@;

Strips are meant to be read from top to bottom.
Yes, proportions are strange o_O; And my coloring.. gotta fix that x_x;
Going to redo the beginning one day cause.. I'm unsatisfied..
..and it was really... weird and random XD;
The story is weird too @_@!

Oh well, enjoy! ^_^;;

#0 Prologue Because I feel like I make no sense XD; *will fix later*

Chapter 1: Whyyyyyy
#1: Meeting Absol It's a little Absol, okay? ^_^;;
#2: First Battle! Should have specified what kind of battle~
#3: Extremely Rushed "Story" Filler Sorry...I was lazy ;-;
#4: Rainy Orb? I feel that Oddish and Torchic should have a bond because of their lack of arms.
#5: A key :x I needed to blatantly add some background ^_^;.
#6: Fortune Teller I just wanted to doodle a crazy fake mustache.
#7: Byebye Umbrella So hackneyed.
#8 Not-so Mysterious Past Rune's backstory :x
#9 Follow me Like I said, just a dumb reason for them to travel together XD

Chapter 2 Becoming a Pokemon Trainer :x
#10 Pokeballs How DO they work anyway?
#11 First Pokemon Battle Part 1 It -is- kind of mean, isn't it?
#12 First Pokemon Battle Part 2 Don't forget to pose while battling.
#13 First Pokemon Battle Part 3 Til you get ground down by a Marowak.. or Cubone.
#14 Trauma Center Use the "Healing Touch"! *game reference*
#15 Listen Up Is this.. story? Poor Umbreon ;-;
#16 Totally Crushin' Oh, Umbreon.
#17 Pokedex Well.. humans are animals, so why not? ^_^

Chapter 3 On the Road Again.. does anyone actually remember the first Pokemon episode!? ^_^;
#18 Generic Traveling Keep on trekking @_@?
#19 Oh snapz This seems awfully familiar ._.
#20 Mobbed I wish I could draw birds well ^_^;
#21 Save yourself! Cmon you can do it, Pichu!
#22 Sacrifice...! Umm.. it's the "real" one? ^_^;
#23 Switched Roles I have no idea how TMs work.
#24 Hadoken? Fried Chicken ._.?

Latest Update:
#25 After the Rain Well, it's okay when Pikachu does it ._.

#1 Guess Who's Coming to Dinner It's so hard to be vegan... especially in the Pokemon world ._.
#2 Gift of the Magi Winter Holiday thing @_@ It's non-denominational!!
#3 Friendly Reminder of Forum Rules Please and thank you ^_^ Done really quick >_<;



Credit: http://pokemonelite2000.com/ for sprites
Thanks to cinnamon for doing most of the card <3

Thank you cinnamon for making a banner, helping me with story, hosting me and everything <3
...and letting me bother you at 4am every morning for ridiculous stuff XD

References/Parodies/Whatever so far ^_^;:
Pokemon of course~! Azumanga, Elfen Lied, Nanoha, Maruchan Noodles, Trauma Center, Lion King, Trashimation, Teh Simpsons, Di Gi Charat, Ragnarok Online, Kanon, Street Fighter ^_^;

Fanart O_O
Thank you so much!! It brings a tear to my eye ;-;! (err.. of happiness!)
by Infinity
by buster_wolf
by wandering mew
by Spirit Ruby
by Jamuko
by gundam_remake
by LGameboyR

Please leave your comments and criticism!!!
Since this is the only place I'm posting my comic, you guys are my only way of input ^_^;
Please make sure you've read the forum rules concerning comments and criticism and SPAM @_@
Good criticism helps me a bunch~ I really appreciate it ^_^

Thank you for reading ^_^
-Shizuru <3
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Pokemon Master
Nice comic, we don't naturally get this good quality often.

Jokes are funny, well drawn, nice concept, overall good comic!

Two thumbs-up fo you!

Charizard Champion#06

Spiral Warrior
These are great! Nice to see another hand drawn comic around here, there hasn't been a lot lately. I was also surprised on how good the humour was, I really liked it! I just have one question, is this a journey comic? Because not all of them are bad, but some members won't read them no matter how good they are.
Wow, I like this. I like the quality of the drawings, also I liked the ending jokes. But why is the absol so small? Either that or that human-thing is like an amazon... 0.0. But I digress, this is overall a awsome comic, it souns kinda like mine. I'll be watching this.


The Cool One
But why is the Absol cutting the hands off that "human-like person" and then she gets them back?? I know one of the main character cant be without its hands but did she get them back??


Mayness Yayness!
Oh god I think I love you! Your art is brilliant and so cute!


Gyahhh! So... Cute!
Must resist... temptation... to rate... a 5!
I can't do it! The art.. It's too good. The comics... They made me laugh.
*rates a 5*
Looks like I have some competition here! ^_^


Under the sea
Ahhh, your styles adorable ^^
Very high quality drawing in my opinion, generally the expressions you want get drawn and adds to the nice jokes. I sadly don't know what else to say. Please continue.


Meowth Fanatic <3
That was so cute and delightful and random! x3 (And Broken Waffles is the best title, ever. Anything to do with Waffles gets my -instant- attention.)

A human(-type, thing) in a Pokemon Rescue Team is a neat idea, too. I'll be keeping an eye on this thread too! ^_^


So very cute is this comic. I am afraid I did not do much to help you though. Keep it up, you will fare well here.


I did notice ONE thing, though; it seems as though you didn't spend a whole ton of time on each one, considering.
Let me guess; you have a Tablet and you don't use Photoshop, but... something more like OpenCanvas, judging by the strokes? Don't get me wrong; considering the overall feel of the comic, the style fits wonderfully.
Just a little observation on my part.


...no Naku Koro ni
Thanks everyone! ^_^ I should get to replying :x

Charizard Champion#06 said:
is this a journey comic?
I'm still confused as to what defines a Journey comic.. The characters are not going to stick in one place so, I guess traveling anywhere is like a journey. ^_^;

Desperate Milotic said:
But why is the absol so small?
Cause she's young but, I think I'm going to skip through the whole growing up thing >_<

Kazuma said:
But why is the Absol cutting the hands off that "human-like person" and then she gets them back??
Ah, the violence there was more of a gag thing than an event I wanted to go deeper into ^_^; Sorry for the confusion.

EmberGryphon said:
Anything to do with Waffles gets my -instant- attention.
Yay ^_^ I am a fan of waffles and other related foods (pancakes!)

Clockworkz said:
I did notice ONE thing, though; it seems as though you didn't spend a whole ton of time on each one, considering.
Let me guess; you have a Tablet and you don't use Photoshop, but... something more like OpenCanvas, judging by the strokes?
Ah, yes, my tablet. Just got a replacement pen but it's wider than what I'm used to >_< I do own Photoshop/Illustrator but use Photoshop Elements just to have an area to draw. Unfortunately, yes, I don't spend a lot of time on details and everything gets doodled extremely late/early in the morning (first was posted at 7am ^_^;;;;;.)

Thank you everyone! I'll continue working hard for you :3
Hope you stick around ^_^

-Shizuru <3

Cinnie made a banner for me! <3 Thankies! ^_^ (Saying thank you even though she does not frequent this forum XD)
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...no Naku Koro ni
Yay Updated ^_^ Page 4

Although I think displaying my new strip on the first post stretches the page too much? >_<


Meowth Fanatic <3
How did I not notice your Rescue Team is named Maruchan Instant? x3 That is fantastic. <3<3

New strip is adorable. ^_^


...no Naku Koro ni
Hehe, yea I like to name things after foodstuffs @_@

Update: Page 5 ^_^;;

I need ideas for story XD It's so lacking >_<;


UnlimitedBlade Works
This has to be one of thebest hand drawn comics I've ever seen. Infinity taught you well.

The humor is excellant. each issue has unique humor.

The way you draw your characters is almost flawless, but there is still room for improvemnt.

Such as proportions, but that is a very hard thing to get down, as well as, it is not really needed in a comic like this.

The facial expressions are both cute, friendly, and funny. Facial expressions help communication between the characters and the reader.

Overall I would rate this comic an 8.2/10.

Since there is always room for improvement, as well it is not finished yet.

As for ideas, one thing you should never ask, is character requests, or ideas.
The mass public of the Serebii Comics will spamm you up, and make you batty.... We like to encourage ideas be held by the creator him/her self, but it is up to you. My advice is ask a mentor, or a trusted friend via PM, instead of openly do it, for the next thing you'll have flying chicken pokemon throwing egg bombs on the city of Fired Onia (random ideas like that, are bad)

good luck with this comic.


Hm. The comic seems to be getting more serious, thus negating the very cutesy aspects and Azumanga Diaoh like appeal; perhaps a slight change in style for the more serious ones?


Pokemon Battler
Finaly! A funny, hand-drawn, no journey, talking pokemon, pokemon comic! I love it! 10 out of 10 All the way!


...no Naku Koro ni
PokemonBreederChris said:
This has to be one of thebest hand drawn comics I've ever seen. Infinity taught you well.
Thanks ^_^! I hope Infinity doesn't mind if I continue to bother him for little things ^_^;;

PokemonBreederChris said:
Such as proportions, but that is a very hard thing to get down, as well as, it is not really needed in a comic like this.
Yea, I am aware my proportions are pretty bad >_<; I suppose if I keep it consistently sketchy it'll be somewhat acceptable ^_^;;

PokemonBreederChris said:
As for ideas, one thing you should never ask, is character requests, or ideas.
Ah yes, I do have my friend Cinn who helps me with overall plot ^_^; But then again it's pretty much hackneyed to death XD; I enjoy hearing other's ideas, with the idea in mind I am not required to use them all.

Thanks for all the tips ^_^ Extremely helpful indeed.

Clockworkz said:
Hm. The comic seems to be getting more serious, thus negating the very cutesy aspects and Azumanga Diaoh like appeal; perhaps a slight change in style for the more serious ones?
Azumanga is so great, and is 4koma. Unfortunately, I'm not clever enough to fit an idea in only 4 panels XD Right now I'm just trying to build an excuse for the two main characters to end up traveling together ^_^;; Concerning style, I'd rather have a constant layout with the vertical panels.. I am very inexperienced with manga-style panels compared to you ^_^; (Mine look too awkward x_x;.)

LGameboyR said:
Finaly! A funny, hand-drawn, no journey, talking pokemon, pokemon comic! I love it! 10 out of 10 All the way!
Thank you very much! ^_^ Although I think that they are due to go on a journey at some point ;-;.
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