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Bryan's Fakemon

PokemonMaster 23

#1 Naetoru Fan
ok here are some of my fakemon........

a Latios per-evo by me -

and here is a zapdos per-evo....idea from P.J. he drew it for me and i turned it into a spirte -

and Snowimew made by me -

No one can take or use my spirtes until they ask me......I already had people take my snowimew and they said its theirs so no one take anythin w/o asking. Thank you
More spirtes will come


Well-Known Member
I can hardly believe you made all three. The first one is really bad, bad shading, bad colours, the second one can do, but isn't good too, and the last one is really beautiful.

PokemonMaster 23

#1 Naetoru Fan
thx.....? its my progess when i sucked to when i got so much better.........but never mind everyone here is to mean like serisouly

PokemonMaster 23

#1 Naetoru Fan
thx.....? its my progess when i sucked to when i got so much better.........but never mind everyone here is to mean like serisouly

ruka rukario

Rukario Master
i think the first ones colors could use a different color and more shade colors. Not really anyway you can improve on the others. Last one is definantly your best.