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Buddy List Problems

Yeah um... this happens to me usually... everytime I add someone to my buddy list, all of the names disappear. Then I try to add the name that I tried to add earlier and no dice... whats wrong with my Buddy List???
Why? Why does it do that? Every so often I can do it but this morning I did it again and it erased my buddy list.


I'm a little Seedot.
Anytime I try to add ANYBODY, it restarts the ENTIRE PC.


Josh trainer
Why? Why does it do that? Every so often I can do it but this morning I did it again and it erased my buddy list.

The server has some problems with certain symbols.

You can't PM members with that kind of symbols, and the buddy list glitch is also a result of that.


Well-Known Member
Since the server upgrade special symbols like hearts and music notes aren't accepted and appear as ?.

Although restarting your PC is indeed strange.


EDIT:I posted in greek letters,and as you see they turned into question marks